Who do you think caused 9/11?

Who do you think caused 9/11, why do you think that, and what proof do you have?

Answer #1

The al qaeda…Bin Laden. The proof is not what i have its the Federal Bureau of Investigation has found the proof… Videos, audio, printed statements from the Al qaeda taking resposibuility for the attacks. Bin Laden even claims they are responsible. They all boasted about it.

Answer #2

How do we know it’s true? was he like, live on tv admitting he did it? and what if it was planned and someone forced him/blackmailed him into doing it? and where did they find the proof? plus, who in the world would take a video of themselves while planning such a crime?

Answer #3

How do we know it isn’t true ? Personally, I review the available evidence and decide, on the balance of probability, whether that evidence is reliable or not. In this case I believe the evidence to be true, and that is good enough for me, even if it isn’t for you. Anyhow it is all water uder the bridge. Sadly, it isn’t going to bring back any of the innocent twin towers victioms, nor is it going to bring back Bin Laden to face charges.

Answer #4

Yes he came out and admittied it live. http://funadvice.com/r/15i164c9o05

They still worship on that day as a memorial and praise it

Answer #5

I’m sory but I think that’s sick

Answer #6

I agree it is very sick. God never wanted us to fight each other but to love each other. and they think they are on Gods side,… think its the oposite side

Answer #7

If “we” are the ones on God’s side then why do we support killing all those innocent people in Palestine? what about them? can you bring back the innocent people we helped Israel kill?

Answer #8

No and i never said WE i was talkin about them. No matter the case it is not right to kill and destroy innocent lives. i never justified that. But if its war then we all have no choice, innocent lives will be lost. on both sides. till one conquers the other. We have to fight back, no matter where ur from you have to fight back or your country will be at lost

Answer #9

George W. Bush.

Answer #10

but Israel is the one that started … palestine’s completely innocent

Answer #11

What makes you say that?

Answer #12
Answer #14

Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist.

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