Why do Catholics have to eat that host when they go to church?

Answer #1

idk i think it represents the bread at the last supper.. it looks tasty tho…

Answer #2

Bread and wine (some people use grapes) represent the Lord’s Supper. The bread represents life as Jesus said “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry.’ (I’m not sure what bit that’s in…I just remember being taught that)

Answer #3

so i was close..?

Answer #4

Yeah lol but the bread can represent the physical body of Christ. It depends what you’re taught.

Answer #5

ohh k :P hehe

Answer #6

They eat it to pretend they are poor….is what i heard in a bar one drunken night…yeah it is so when it comes to contributing some £or$ they can avoid it with the I aint even got no money for food thing…thats why they had the cracker. It is obvious when you think about it…in a bar….whilst drunk.

Answer #7

In Catholic dogma the consecrated bread (wafer) and wine consumed in mass become the flesh and blood of Jesus through a miracle called transubstantiation. Note the bread is referred to as the “host.” Just as miraculously it retains the appearance of wine and bread. Some radical Catholics maintain that the mass is meant to be pedagogical rather than literal ritual cannibalism. Some Protestant Christian sects are skeptical of transubstantiation and point out the Catholic mass has many similarities to Pagan masses for Mithra and Osiris and that it is actually a corrupt ritual.

Answer #8

It’s called communion. The last supper Jesus had with his disciples before he was arrested and crucified. Jesus broke bread and said “take and eat, this is my body” He poured wine and passed the cup saying “this is my blood” (my quotations might be off a word or two) Communion is a ceremony that represents the powerful time in history when Jesus gave his life for us. Other demominations besides Catholic also have communion. Such as Babtist and Christian churches.

Answer #9

transubstantiation! basically what everyone else said but that word means they believe that Christs body and blood changed into the bread and wine you eat and drink :)

Answer #10

HAHAHAHAHA! Sorry that was funny :) I used to be Lutheran (Wisconsin Senate) and you take Communion in church not EVERY Sunday but most. In the Catholic religion, which is very similar to Lutheranism, you eat the bread or waffer or cracker… whatever to show your true faith in Jesus Christ and undying devotion to Him. You eat the body and drink the blood of christ just as the desciples did during “The Last Supper” before Christ’s crucifiction. They believe it is the ACTUAL body and blood of Christ. This may be incorrect in some areas as I’m speaking mostly from Lutheran beliefs (only Wisconsin Senate though) that you have to take Catechism in order to fuly understand your religion’s belief system/ rules/ etc. in order to eat and drink the body and blood of christ. WOW that was a lot of information lol. Not as good as filetospam but a vague outline :) Hope hat helps.

Answer #11

…. from experience… its awuful….

Answer #12

it looks tasty tho :D

Answer #13

Episcopalians (Anglicans) do it too but they dont think it’s “really” his flesh and blood, just symbolic, that’s how i heard it. The Last Supper was a Passover Seder :)

Answer #14

“it is actually a corrupt ritual.” That’s rather like saying that English (or Spanish) is a corrupt language because it has many similarities to German (or Latin).

Answer #15

Linguists acknowledge and study the etymology of words. In my experience most Christians think Judeo-Christianity sprang ab ovo rather than as an offshoot or evolution of earlier religions. They think of Christianity as being unique among all religions and having a monopoly on truth rather than as just one in a line of many. I was commenting that some Protestants view the Catholic mass as corrupt since it seems to have come from Paganism. I’m neither Catholic nor Protestant so I don’t really have a horse in this race.

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