Can you buy condoms in walmart?

Can you buy condoms in walmart and do you need parental consent or something like that?

Answer #1

Yes, you can buy them at Walmart. And I don’t think you need parental consent to buy condoms anywhere. Not in my town anyways, maybe it depends where you live.

Answer #2

Yes they are available to buy in Walmart. Over here (England) you don’t need to have parental consent because if not there would probably be lots of teenagers running around with their babies. It serves as a prevention of lives and a protection of STDs. Although some people say that being able to buy Condoms undersage may in fact encourage adolescents to have sex.

Answer #3

no you dont me and my boyfriend bought them yesterday, && I’m 15 and hes 18 ( Yeah our parents know and respect our decisions )

Answer #4

totally =] go get em tiger! =]

Answer #5

condoms are everywhere aha you dont need to have your parents either

Answer #6

Yeah, you can buy everything at Walmart

Answer #7

Yeah, you can buy everything at Walmart

Answer #8

DUH yeah

Answer #9

DUH yeah

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