Can you buy condoms at 14?

can you buy condoms at 14 years old?

Answer #1

why would you want to wait till your of age and then buy them… trying to be fats at the age of 14

Answer #2


Answer #3

well. my ex boyfriend bought condoms and ended up getting me pregnant. im 15 now and I have a kid and I regret it

Answer #4

yea u can but even though im 14 and ive had sex dont do it some guys are bad at it my 2 time was good though

Answer #5

lmao, yeah =]

Answer #6

yeah there r no age limits

Answer #7

yes, you can

Answer #8

I buy them all the time and I’m 14..

Answer #9

yes. There are no age restrictions to buying condoms.

Answer #10

I buy condoms Constantly … but I wouldnt trust them … im 14 and my 5th time ever having sex the condom was defective and the girl ended up pregnant… dont have sex yet your young and the consequences are horrible. I am now 15 living with my parents and my parents and the girls parents are constantly fighting over the baby … it is not worth it. take it from another Guy.

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