can we love peoples as JESUS did?

without any thing, can we give love 2 peoples as Z ALMIGHTY JESUS DID? I think love is a solution 2 our world problem.

Answer #1

no its not just because you are doing it…biblical causes or not, misquoting scripture still doesnt make it right either way, no matter who does it.

Answer #2

toadaly, its your choice where to go, not God’s, he gave you the choice, and if you dont choose to accept him and heaven, then thats your fault, not his

I may be wrong and if I am my apologies, but I have a feelin that youre the one that marked it as unhelpful, thats immature to mark it that way just b/c YOU dont agree and have a different opinion

Answer #3

* Jesus love is unconditional, he loves no matter what people say or does towards him or unto others.

Jesus love is unconditional. The only condition is you have to have faith. If you don’t, Jesus will torture you forever in hell…because his love is unconditional.

Answer #4

In response to Matt 10:34.. Jesus was refering to those people who put others before Him. Reading the whole passage clarifies the meaning intended. Jesus wants those who follow Him to be devoted to Him whole heartedly first. Luke 12, Jesus said that the two swords they had were enough. They were taken along to the Garden of Gethsemane. Luke 19, Jesus was finishing the parable of the talents and was again talking about the Christ rejectors.

Answer #5

yet everyone else is doing it, just because I’m not doing it for a biblical cause it’s dangoures. & the ones taken “out of context” compared to the ones that are, hey you still have a pretty screwed up God & Jesus.

What makes you so sure I don't understand what I'm posting? That would be pretty screwed up to post what I don't understand. Sry I'm not one of those brain dead people who give quotes from things that I can't yet grasp.
Answer #6

thex13thxchild, you cant just pick apart scripture…look the the whole thing. not just a verse here and there, if you do that, you are misunderstanding scripture. for ex: the verse “” I am the bread of life” just as an example…of coarse He isnt literally a loaf of bread…Jesus a lot of times spoke figuratively and in parables in order for people to understand, but if you pick just one verse without putting together as a whole, you will get a twisted view of scripture and thats very dangerous.

Answer #7

We are commanded in scripture to love as He does…do we? prob. most of us dont. BUT in loving we give of ourself, in what ever the needs are of others. (food, clothes, shelter, love, encouragement ect…) Would we give our life for someone else? Scripture says that no better friend can we have then the one who is willing to lay his life down for his brother. Teaching others about Jesus and His unconditional love and His sacrifice for us so that we may have salvation is another command we have from Him(Romans) “ Go into ALL Nations and Preach the word…” what better love is that?

Answer #8

I personally think we can try to love people the way Jesus did! God Bless!

Answer #9

I agree however, no we cant. Jesus love is unconditional, he loves no matter what people say or does towards him or unto others. we let our other emotions get in the way and we are human and we are in the flesh. we hold grudges and stay mad at people for what they have done or we judge others without gettin to know them first. we should yes, but will it happen, sadly no

Answer #10

sure, go around preaching about love, then cause riots & call people fools. He was a hypocrite, & he doesn’t “love unconditional”.

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother- in-law…” –Matthew 10:34

“Do you think I have to come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division; for henceforth in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three; they will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against her mother, mother- in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law. –Luke 12:51

“And let him who has no sword sell his mantle and buy one.” –Luke 22:36

for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me.’” –Luke 19:27

Yes, so loving indeed.

lish, isn’t it?? God creates every single one of us. He knew how we were going to be, yet still made us. Why did he make us if he knew how we were going to turn out? He could of changed the slightiest thing in us without affecting free will to make us believe yet did not. Before you say he needs to test us, again I state, he made us, he knows us, why would he need to test us? Isn’the the knowing & allmighty God? Satan got to us? Well, the devil can’t torture anyone without GOD’s consient to do so1, 2 the early believers didn’t believe in the devil, it was ALL God. & Why would he let such malevoilence befall his precious children? Mayb because he doesn’t love us, least not all of us, it even states so in the bible! The idea of an all loving god is almost as new as Wicca. “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” – Isaiah 45:7 (also Lam3:38)

*”For our God is a consuming fire!” – Hebrews 12:29

The Lord is a man of War!” Exodus 15:3

& for the almighty God, the idea of it didn’t come around until some Egyptian dude combined all the Egyptian Gods into one & called it the one true God, then it just went from there.

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