Can someone briefly explain the SOPA bill?

Answer #1

i’m reading this right now, i have no idea what it’s about either.

Answer #2

Ok thanks, for some reason I just don’t feel like checkin in tio it and was hoping for a sumary.

Answer #3

This is what I know (which is not much): The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), in the U.S. House of Representatives, and Protect IP Act (PIPA), in the U.S. Senate are bills aimed at foreign websites that infringe copyrighted material. They call for the blocking of entire sites, even if the links are not to infringing material. Many useful sites can’t survive if politicians regulate the Internet and over-restrict it.

Answer #4

Ooook, welll by the time it goes through many readings and ammendments it might be too complicated for anyone to understand. Thank you.

Answer #5

It is another of the continuing attempts by our illustrious bought and paid for Representatives to dumb down the American people through censorship. Anyone that has used Google for more than a few years can see the marketing censorship that has been implemented there. It used to be a great deep-web search engine full of top notch information. Now it has been taken over by corporate greed and the results that come up from a query appear in descending order, depending on the amount being paid for that position.

Answer #6

Yes I have noticed that. Thank you.

Answer #7

They call for the blocking and/or prosecution of sites that facilitate infringement in any way. So if a site’s links aren’t to infringing material, it shouldn’t face problems under SOPA and PIPA………….except, honestly, is it even possible for a giant Internet site like Google or Youtube that heavily relies on user-generated content to police themselves such that ALL references to infringing material are cut out? Not to mention that the language used in the bills is so vague, just about any site can be found guilty of somehow supporting copyright infringement.

Answer #8

Ivan asked if it was even possible for Google or Youtube topolice themselves. Here is your answer.

Take a look at the new Google privacy Policy going into effect march 1, 2012. There is no more anonymity, they will know who you are, where you are when on your computer or smart phone, your street address, telephone number, on-line credit card information, computer model, operating system, hardware components AND settings in the computer you are using, the mobile network you are using, online personal information just to name some of the information they will have archived on you. So YES, they will be able to tell who is uploading and downloading pirated ‘stuff”. The worst part is that they are going to censor Internet content for you “giving you more relevant search results and ads.

Answer #9

Thank you

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