Can my Mom press charges if it's consensual?

hey I am 17 and my boyfriend is 22 and my mother thinks I am having sex with him which I am but I a 17 can she push charges against him without me going to the hosptial and getting a rape kit done because it is consentaly so I dont think that she could be able to push charges against or am I wrong

Answer #1

As far as I know she cant press charges. But either way don’t admit to having sex with him. Then even if she does press charges she can’t prove anything… If you tell the police you’ve never had sex there’s nothing she can do…

Answer #2

I don’t know what the law is in the state you live in, but I think at 17 you’re allowed to give consent to sex. Some places it’s 16. so… I don’t think she can push charges because of your age. Just tell her that you have been having sex with him and get it over with. Maybe she’ll understand.

Answer #3

In indiana the age of consent is 17, but even if the person is at the age of consent, an older person could still be punished for having sex with a minor.

It’s is a good idea to just wait until you’re 18.

xox Sika

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