is there anyone here that knows where I can buy good permanent or semi-permanant blue hair dye??!


Answer #1

most hair salons and places like priceline have a range of coloured dye (though its small) manic panic would be one of the best brands but you wont find them at the mall ebay sells them, so do online shops other good brands that sell blue are wakk and paintbox and you can usually find those at priceline or places like hairhouse warehouse, whatevere hair stores you have in your area

and keep in mind that is you bleach your hair to yello beforehand your hair will turn green, because blue and yellow makes green. so make sure your hairs blonde

Answer #2

I’d recommend jerome russel punky color and then condition it with a conditioner from sally’s called ion.

Answer #3

many beauty supply shops won’t sell products to anyone without a beauticians license. some won’t sell their wares to anyone under the age of 18 or 21 due to fear of law suit if the product is mishandled. try a salon and have them do it right.I don’t think it should be harder in Britain than here across the pond. just open the ^Yellow Pages^ and look for ^hair colourists^ * note : colour spelled the English way .. there are temporary dyes, I’m certain you can pick up in novelty shops. they generally come in aerosol cans. hope it turns out smashing and that you’ll show us the end result.

Answer #4

ok thanks,

btw people im living in Britain

Answer #5

Um… I don’t know if you have a Sally’s, but try any beauty supply store. Or get it done at a salon. =]

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