Do you beilieve in the power of god?

Do you beilieve in the power of god

Answer #1

Santa is real? You do know that if you switch the letters around you get Satan, right?

Answer #2

I simply am Agnostic, I don’t believe, nor believe. Think of it as a neutral state. I’m choosing to wait until a time where I need to make a choice.

Answer #3

it sby his power that he came and died for this sinful world. its by his power that he arose on the 3rd day. it was by his power, that I got saved, its by his power, that I wake up everyday and that I function. its by his power that im breathing. its by his power that my praywers are answered. its his power that heals the sick and comforts me when im going through something. its his power that brings me out of my battles. its his power that he is preparing a place for me. its by his power that someday he will return and take me home. I dont know if you got it or not, but YES I DO BELIEVE IT AND IM NOT ASHAMED!!!

Answer #4

Yes I believe in God with all my heart.

Answer #5

No I don’t believe, I believe in evolution… :)

Answer #6

Yes, I believe in God.

Answer #7

Santa is real? You do know that if you switch the letters around you get Satan, right?

Riiight… Santa IS Satan… so anagrams are apparently synonyms now. And apparently… Santa Claus exhibits ‘Satan-like’ behavior, by rewarding children for GOOD BEHAVIOR. Oh yes, VERY Satan-like indeed.

Oh… by the way, an anagram of ‘Christianity’ is ‘Trash City I In’ …so apparently… Christianity is ineloquently just a load of garbage?


…another one would be ‘An Itchy I Stir’ …so its a load of garbage… that causes a rash?


Answer #8

nope I don’t believe in fictional characters. I choose to use my own morality as my guide through life.

Answer #9

I don’t believe in any gods. Santa though, he’s real.

Answer #10

I do not believe in God - I believe in the power of human acceptance and compassion.

Answer #11

Yes I believe in God with all my heart.

Answer #12

No. I was brought up loosely to believe in God. We didn’t go to church or follow the rules but we had a crucifix in our room and were told it would protect us. I attempted to get help from God when I was little and it never worked- so no, I don’t believe.

Answer #13

Whether gods exist or not it can still be thought up like other mythical creatures such as leprechauns, fairies, and mermaids.

I don’t believe any made-up characters actually exist, including Spongebob, Elmo, or gods.

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