Barack Obama, will he win?

Who do you think will be president?Hilary of Barack?

Answer #1

Actually right now, McCain is out polling both of them on the General Election question, and the gap has been widening.

Clinton probably has a better chance to beat McCain but since she can’t beat Obama, it becomes moot.

The long standing ruleover the past 50+ years has been that Republican candidates always win the presidency except 1) when the Democrat is a conservative Southern senator or governor AND 2) the Republicans have some kind of major scandal going on. Takes both conditions.

Johnson, Carter, & Clinton all ran as southern conservatives, Johnson was senator, the other two, governors. Carter benefited from the Nixon Watergate scandal, Clinton benefited from the IranContra Bush scandal. Johnson got in by succession.

Neither Obama nor Clinton fit the measure of a Southern conservative, and despite the whining of certain folks around here, the Republicans haven’t had a good scandal in quite some time. In all liklihood, history will again repeat itself.

Answer #2

I can not stand Barack personaly. He is my senator and I do not understand why he is running. He has done nothing for this country and he hasnt even been in office for a full term. The only reason he won senator anyway is because the GOP (as dumb as its being right now) Decided to run Alan Keys against him and he is just an idiot. Barack hasnt done anything and he isnt saying anything about how hes going to be different. Plus the few things he has voted on he has gone back and fourth between. Clinton is just a pain in the butt. She is running on the grounds that her husband was “awesome” and that shes not Bush. Well guess what her husband didnt do anything special for this country at all. A lot of people say that he was the best president and that he is the reason the economy grew. well you know what the economy works on a pattern and the truth is that the economy was going up rapidly during Bush 41’s term and that he left the economy in shambles and then handed it over. it turns out that he was actually a horrible president (and thats without the scandal) Oh and I sure as heck hope she’s not Bush because then we wont have to worry about a woman being president now would we? Let alone the fact that if Clinton is elected (at which point im moving to Canada) the same two familes will have been in power for over 20 years. How can our country change if we keep it withint two familys for two decades? thats a bit ridiculous.

Answer #3

It can’t be Hillary, she cant win the nomination unless the superdelegates overturn the popular vote, and that won’t happen.

I think Barack will beat McCain. He is an old fool, who is nothing but a war-mongering neocon.

Answer #4


Answer #5

I believe obama will get the democratic nomination and win the presidential election. at least that is what I hope will happen.

Answer #6


Answer #7

I hope Hilary!!

Answer #8

Of course Barack will win. Well that is if the racist America stop bringing him down. One major group in this category will be the Hispanics/Latinos. Damb didn’t they learn their lesson with Bush?

Answer #9

i <3 Obama.

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