Is it bad for guys to not be circumcised?

Answer #1

circumcision is a personal choice .. if you are not circumcised then there is a greater change of infection under the foreskin, and the foreskin must be cleaned regularly to prevent such infection

Answer #2

its not bad for a guy to not be circumcised, but it is cleaner (less heath risks) because sometimes when a man that has foreskin ejaculates if he doesnt wash his penis properly afterwards some of the left over sperm stays trapped and can cause a bad smell down there and sometimes can also cause a girl to get a urine infection if they have sexual intercourse. so my advice is, make sure the man has washed and cleaned his bits (testicles and penis, including under the foreskin) properly before engaging in any sexual activity

Answer #3

its not bad for a guy to not be circumcised, but it is cleaner if he is (less health risks) because when a guy with foreskin ejaculates, if he doesn’t clean his penis properly afterwards sometimes bits of left over sperm get trapped under the foreskin and can cause an unpleasant smell and also cause other bacteria to develop, which in turn can also cause a woman to get a urine infection and sometimes other infections if they engage in sexual intercourse. so my advice would be, make sure the guy has washed and cleaned his bits (testicles and penis, including under the foreskin) properly and thoroughly before engaging in any sexual activity.

Answer #4

its not bad for a guy to not be circumcised, but it is cleaner if he is (less health risks) because when a guy with foreskin ejaculates, if he doesn’t clean his penis properly afterwards sometimes bits of left over sperm get trapped under the foreskin and can cause an unpleasant smell and also cause other bacteria to develop, which in turn can also cause a woman to get a urine infection and sometimes other infections if they engage in sexual intercourse. so my advice would be, make sure the guy has washed and cleaned his bits (testicles and penis, including under the foreskin) properly and thoroughly before engaging in any sexual activity.

Answer #5

its not bad for a guy to not be circumcised, but it is cleaner if he is (less health risks) because when a guy with foreskin ejaculates, if he doesn’t clean his penis properly afterwards sometimes bits of left over sperm get trapped under the foreskin and can cause an unpleasant smell and also cause other bacteria to develop, which in turn can also cause a woman to get a urine infection and sometimes other infections if they engage in sexual intercourse. so my advice would be, make sure the guy has washed and cleaned his bits (testicles and penis, including under the foreskin) properly and thoroughly before engaging in any sexual activity.

Answer #6

its not bad for a guy to not be circumcised, but it is cleaner if he is (less health risks) because when a guy with foreskin ejaculates, if he doesn’t clean his penis properly afterwards sometimes bits of left over sperm get trapped under the foreskin and can cause an unpleasant smell and also cause other bacteria to develop, which in turn can also cause a woman to get a urine infection and sometimes other infections if they engage in sexual intercourse. so my advice would be, make sure the guy has washed and cleaned his bits (testicles and penis, including under the foreskin) properly and thoroughly before engaging in any sexual activity.

Answer #7

its not bad for a guy to not be circumcised, but it is cleaner if he is (less health risks) because when a guy with foreskin ejaculates, if he doesn’t clean his penis properly afterwards sometimes bits of left over sperm get trapped under the foreskin and can cause an unpleasant smell and also cause other bacteria to develop, which in turn can also cause a woman to get a urine infection and sometimes other infections if they engage in sexual intercourse. so my advice would be, make sure the guy has washed and cleaned his bits (testicles and penis, including under the foreskin) properly and thoroughly before engaging in any sexual activity.

Answer #8

Absolutely not my fiance is not circmcised and it doesnt even matter. When hes fully erct you cant even tell that hes not. We also decided against cutting our son, its an unneccasary thing and i dont see the reason behind cutting a piece of your childs body off for cosmetic reasons.

Answer #9

i heared its important for hygnic matter .. im not sure tho

Answer #10

Thats false information. Any guy who doesnt wash down there will have problems cut or not.

Answer #11

No it isn’t bad.

In a lot of cultures circmcision is done because of health and hygiene reasons. (especially in cultures where people are poorer and do not have access to health care) Men with freskin are less likely to get infections and it is easier to clean.

However as Mandy pointed out, you can get problems regardless of whether you have f*reskin or not if you are not clean.

Also circmsized men have been proven to get STD’s more often (this does not include AIDS), but it is better to use a condom than to circmsize.

It is also done in men or boys who have non-retractible freskins. But all babies and most small children (around 1 year old) have non-retractible freskins.

Then being uncircmsized can make a man less sensitive, it generally does, the freskin is after all a very sensitive part.

I do not believe that it is necessary to circmsize, it is painful and complications can happen and why risk complications with a unnecessary producedure? Recently there was boy who lost a quarter of his pnis because of a botched circ*msition so I honestly do not see the point in it.

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