
what do you fell about age of adulthoo leaglly ranging from 14-21

Answer #1

There may be some 14 year-olds who might make responsible “Adults” but the problem is that laws have to apply to everyone. Therefore, since the laws can’t be selective based upon person rather than age, an age has to be set which best serves the needs of all of society.

Accordingly, many states set the age of adulthood (age of majority) at 18 which is when most people are deemed functionally adult. An exception is the age of 21 which, nationally, is set as the age where one can drink alcohol. This is because those extra 3 years are deemed necessary for the new “adults” to have gained enough experience and maturity to be able to handle their decision to drink.

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Answer #2

No 14-year-old should be called an adult, gosh, I remember being 14.

Answer #3

Nope. I think 18 is good, in some cases 21 suits better. trust me when you hit 18 and look back at 14, it makes sense. I could imagine something similar for 21.

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