Do you think you should automatically win the case, if the person you are suing fails to show up to the hearing?

Answer #1

Unless the party has a legit reason for not being thr, like in jail, or hospital, but that’s it

Answer #2

Well no, but I know this does count against them and I had a party fail to show three times, after that I won, judge ruled in my favor.

Answer #3

haha were you watching judge mathis or w/e? lol it said that on there just now

Answer #4

In my opinion, if the person doesn’t show… and there is no proof that it was because of an emergency or something they couldn’t help, meaning they most likely just forgot or didn’t want to show, then the plaintiff should automatically win.

Answer #5

Yes, lol… I wanted to hear everyone’s opinions. :-)

Answer #6

Yes this would be nice, and would have saved me a lot of time, but it does not seem to work like this.

Answer #7

lol he’s funny

Answer #8

Yes, I know… I honestly don’t see why it doesn’t work like that. Do you have any ideas of why they may not do it that way? By the way, thanks for your response! :-)

Answer #9

I wish I knew, but depending on what it is for, and how much it will cost either party, I guess they want to make sure you have a change to defend yourself.

Answer #10

Hmm, good point. I suppose they do deserve a chance to defend themselves. However, if they screw that chance up by not showing without a good reason… then it’s their own fault if they lose the case.

Answer #11

Yes, he is… but I think I like Judge Judy a bit more. She’s one tough cookie, lol.

Answer #12

That is why after 3 tries in the on I was in, they where out, but then they do have the chance to appeal the ruling.

Answer #13

she’s mean

Answer #14

I dont think it would be fair, yet on the otherhand my teacher (for example) went to court to finish off adopting her baby and the baby’s biological mother did’nt show up so she won the baby.

Answer #15

Well she had already put the baby up for adoption, I think this is fair.

Answer #16

Yeah, for that reason, but what about the person that is being sued? Unless they dont have an excused reason for not being there.

Answer #17

I think that you should win the case of the other person refuses to show up or doesn’t show up for a lack of interest.

They should, of course have a right to make an excuse for not coming.

Answer #18

in my personal opinion, no. its possible their trying to get out of it but also possible there is another reason why they missed it, i would give them at least 1 more chance. i dont think its fair at all to just autimatically win for someone not showing, because it doesnt solve the actual case at all

Answer #19

Yup. I won a case like that once and it made me very happy because I was terrified to present myself XD

Answer #20

Sucks but although i agree with you the Law is made not just to be fair to you but also the other person. Some judges can dismiss the case immediately depending on whether the person was served notice. Others will give them some chances. Just have to hope and see. I know, it sucks.

Answer #21

Yeah the case is based on justice and the fact that the other pesron never showed doesnt make his case invalid. Those are two separate incidents.

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