Astral traveling

I’ve been trying to astral project for some time now but it hasn’t really been working. I have a book on it but none of the methods really seem to help. I think that the problem in that I dont get into a deep enough meditated state. :/ does anyone have any tips/adive on how to astral project?!

Answer #1

“Well, all humans are unique, and has a different outlook on the world around them, there’s always going to be something you don’t agree with, but unless you have proof, you can’t deny that it’s true or, on the other end of spectrum, not true.”

Obviously. However, if you’re prepared to believe in things without any evidence that they’re true, how do you separate reality from fantasy? Why not believe in Fairies, Leprechauns, and turtles with worlds on their backs?

“But, we did figure out that the the universe didn’t revolve around us, and we did realize that the earth wasn’t wasn’t flat after a time. But, people haven’t been able to prove us wrong? Or have they, o wise skeptic? I sure as hell haven’t found any.”

A geocentrist in the 16th century could have made the exact same argument, and they would’ve been just as wrong.

Note that I’m not trying to say that your beliefs will be proven wrong in time - it’s easy to formulate beliefs that can’t be disproven (because they make no testable predictions). I’m simply pointing out that the longevity of a belief has absolutely no bearing on its accuracy.

Answer #2

“No, it’s not enough. I presume you think that right now, there are people that believe in things that aren’t real - scientology, Catholicism, Chinese acupuncture, Judaism, … pick one you don’t believe in yourself. Many of them have been around for a long time. There’s really no reason to suppose that the validity of a belief has anything to do with how long it sticks around for in the minds of humans.”

Not in my mindset. All of the religions that you’ve just named mean nothing. What I DO believe is that we all worship the same thing, just in different ways. So what?

But what does Chinese acupuncture have to do with any of this? I mean… It’s pretty valid in its roots. Applying pressure or needles (yuck!) near nerves to relieve stress on the body… What’s so wrong about that? The ancient empire that was China was a thriving civilization that gave us many things that we still use today. Why not acupuncture too?

And to be honest, I’ve tried a Chinese healing technique similar to acupuncture several times, via a fellow friend. (Applying pressure on specified points on the body to relieve stress.) It’s worked for me before, despite the fact that I’m skeptical every time I use it… So… Okay. Sure. I can see how you’re a skeptic, but I honestly don’t believe it has anything to do with your statement. Kinda the outlier from the others… Or was that on purpose?

Answer #3

“How do you know it is what you claim it is? The mind is very good at playing tricks on itself.

“If you really have indepenent evidence that you went ‘astral travelling’, please do step up and collect your million-dollar prize from James Randi.”

Why do I need proof that Astral traveling exists? Why do I have to prove myself to you and this…James Randi fellow?

I honestly don’t think that I do. But, let’s bring this up for the sake of the debate:

Is it not enough that people have kept faith in religion that has roots can be dated farther back than most? I don’t think it would have stuck around for so long if people were ‘fooling themselves’. You can’t have faith in something that you don’t believe exists. You of all people should know this. And I know this myself because I’ve tried for most of my life. It wasn’t until I started to really discover the Craft that I knew what having real faith was. So it doesn’t appeal to you?

That’s completely okay. I just think that the Craft and most of its spiritual activities, astral traveling somewhat included (lol), is a healthy choice for me. Just as it for Aiden and…ahem…Circius as well.

‘Someone asked about something that there’s absolutely no reason to suppose exists. In the complete absence of evidence, saying something doesn’t exist doesn’t seem unreasonable.’

True… But I do believe that she was asking for pointers, not your oppinion on the subject. So… Wouldn’t that mean it was unnecssary? There is the reasoning behind my statement.

Answer #4

Oh really? (Orly for Circius.) Hm… I may have to ponder that on one of my many long nights with absolutely no sleep.

I’ll be sure to get back to you on that one. ^^

Well, all humans are unique, and has a different outlook on the world around them, there’s always going to be something you don’t agree with, but unless you have proof, you can’t deny that it’s true or, on the other end of spectrum, not true.

But, we did figure out that the the universe didn’t revolve around us, and we did realize that the earth wasn’t wasn’t flat after a time. But, people haven’t been able to prove us wrong? Or have they, o wise skeptic? I sure as hell haven’t found any.

Answer #5

Poking people with needles is effective at relieving pain, yes. As it turns out, though, “chinese acupuncture” - specifically, the system they specify for where to put the needles and why - is no more effective than placing them more or less at random.

My point is that whatever you believe, there are bound to be things that you don’t believe that many others do - and almost certainly some of them people have been believing in for hundreds of years. Longevity is not evidence for the validity of something. People believed the earth was flat and the sun, stars and planets revolved around the earth for hundreds of years, but they were wrong about that, too.

Answer #6

“Is it not enough that people have kept faith in religion that has roots can be dated farther back than most? I don’t think it would have stuck around for so long if people were ‘fooling themselves’.”

No, it’s not enough. I presume you think that right now, there are people that believe in things that aren’t real - scientology, catholocisim, chinese acupuncture, judaism, … pick one you don’t believe in yourself. Many of them have been around for a long time. There’s really no reason to suppose that the validity of a belief has anything to do with how long it sticks around for in the minds of humans.

Answer #7

“There’s no way to deny something you’ve done… Even if you didn’t enjoy it. I can’t deny something that’s tangible because of personal experience, wouldn’t that be ignorance?”

How do you know it is what you claim it is? The mind is very good at playing tricks on itself.

If you really have indepenent evidence that you went “astral travelling”, please do step up and collect your million-dollar prize from James Randi.

“You’re atheist? So what. The point I was trying to make was that your comments about astral traveling were absolutely not necessary and completely unhelpful. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all. And I hate to go Christian here, but remember the golden rule. I completely understand that you don’t believe in astral traveling, or any form of magick in general… But your comment was absolutely unecessary. So can we drop this now?””

Someone asked about something that there’s absolutely no reason to suppose exists. In the complete absence of evidence, saying something doesn’t exist doesn’t seem unreasonable.

Answer #8

Aiden. Well, to directly answer your question to the best of my abilities, I would have to know what methods you’ve tried so far.

If you think it’s because you’re having a problem with getting into a deep meditational state, I’d ask if you’ve meditated a lot before, and if no, try doing what ValiantPoison up there recommends, as in, try to meditate before you sleep each night-because not only is that a very calm-inducing thing to do before you sleep and to rid yourself of negative energies, but it will help strengthen your mental fortitude and capabilities when you are projecting yourself astrally.

Talking from experience, since I’ve done astral projection a lot myself, I would say that if you are having trouble getting into that meditative state, try putting on soothing music or lighting a couple of blue candles. Your powers and mental abilities are at their height at the point when you are between physical awareness and non-physical awareness; as in, right between when you’re asleep and awake.

But I find it’s really hard to get into the state needed for astral projection unless there is quite and calm around me-or if I have been meditating a long time before hand.

Also, before you try this, I have to emphasize how it is extremely important that you tie yourself before you try Astral Projection itself, because I have seen it get awry first hand, and let me tell you, it’s scary as hell.

If you have anymore questions or remarks on what you did so far, please don’t hesitate to tell me, because I would like to help in anyway possible. I hope everything goes well if you do succeed now. Merry Met and Blessed Be~

Oh, and have fun too, yah? XD

Answer #9

Aiden, I think you may be on to something. Personaly, I’m not a fan of astral projection myself, but a good way to develop a good connection may be to practice meditating. Stress is a common thing with everyone, and that may also be a reason why you’re having trouble. Personally, I’d meditate everyday before you go to bed, or when you wake in the morning, whichever you prefer. Try meditating with the lights on, or lights off. Try with calming music or recordings of sounds like a thunderstorm or brids chirping, or completely silent. Find out what works best for you. Then, meditate for fifteen minutes for a while, and progressively go for longer periods of time. Practice letting go of all earthly limitations, and allow yourself to relax. Also, I find it helps to measure my breathing until my body gets into the habit of taking these calming breaths. When you think that you’ve mastered this task, try to prject again, but I’d have a friend who shares your beliefs there to help you, just in case! You’ve read a book, you know the dangers of what can happen! (It terrifies me!) Funmail me and let me know how it goes! Good luck, and blessed be!

Arachnid: Please, keep your oppinions to yourself. You aren’t being at all helpful! Leave it to someone who may be able to help. I can clearly tell that you’re not a big fan of this action, but please, your condescending comments are rude. How would you like it if you asked a question about your religion and someone told you it didn’t exist? Have some common sense before you post, please.

Okay, rant over. ^^

Answer #10

valiantpoison: I’m not being condescending. There’s absolutely no reason to suppose “astral travelling” exists, since there’s absolutely no evidence for it. It may seem harsh, but I’m just trying to point out reality.

“How would you like it if you asked a question about your religion and someone told you it didn’t exist?”

I’m an atheist, so that’d be just fine with me.

Answer #11

Arachnid: There’s no way to deny something you’ve done… Even if you didn’t enjoy it. I can’t deny something that’s tangible because of personal experience, wouldn’t that be ignorance?

You’re atheist? So what. The point I was trying to make was that your comments about astral traveling were absolutely not necessary and completely unhelpful. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all. And I hate to go Christian here, but remember the golden rule. I completely understand that you don’t believe in astral traveling, or any form of magick in general… But your comment was absolutely unecessary. So can we drop this now?

Answer #12

I have astral projected a few times. The very first conscious projection I had was while listening to some cd I bought for the purpose of projecting. I listened to that tape so many times or various occasions and it never worked but that day it did. I ended up floating up, I just kept floating. I couldn’t see anything but I just kept floating. It was getting scary. Eventually I got scared enough and ended up back in my body.

There were other times that I projected after relaxing while in an uncomfortable position so I couldnt fall asleep. Eventually I projected. I do have to admit, it iS HARD. I am by no means an expert. You will have to just keep at it. Be serious about it. Eventually it will happen.

Answer #13

It’s not working because it doesn’t exist. Sorry.

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