Are you a genius?

Are you juss naturally smart? Really…I think that is very..(cool)lol…

Answer #1

I’m not naturally smart really! I usually get good marks at school but I have to work pretty dam hard to get them! What really annoys me is when people just mess around in lesson - prevent my learning and couldn’t care less about it come out with A* without doing any work! But hey that’s life!

Answer #2

Well lets see,my GPA is 0.61,I self taught my self about computers,I’m currently working on a cartoon series hopefully launched by June on youtube. I’m failing my classes but I passed both parts of the cahsee on my first try with an advanced proficient score.I’m real good with strategizing and puzzle games or brainteasers(btw if you’re ever on a paintball,or team like games you’d wanna choose me I do real good in those situations ;) well I’m not a genius,but I am smart. I find school boring but excel at things that tickle my funy bone like brain teasers and such. So nope I’m just smart =P

Answer #3

Im not, I want to though but I need help because lots of pplz at my school are smart but not me=[ I want to be really smart but its hard

Answer #4

well, people aren’t naturally smart. people can learn easy and fast, but they’re not naturally smart. like me, I can easily self teach myself anything. TONS!! I do it everyday. I love the challange. I’m multilingual in less than two years. very fluent in spanish and japanese, and well, english of course, but it does take work and willingness. :) it can’t just come to you.

Answer #5

No doubt I was smart in my school days thats why I’ve gone in to science fields.

Answer #6


Answer #7

Well, I think Genuis is a subjective word anyway.

I have an IQ of 40, GPA of 3.5 something as of last semester, made a 25 on my ACT the FIRST time, and am taking some college classes in place of my high school classes. But I stink at math, and have motivation problems. I mean, there are some days I just want to lay in bed all day, covered up by my three blankets(maybe it’s the cold).

But even in order to right, my biggest passion, I have to force myself to get up and do it. Video games seem to be the exception, but I grow bored with them quickly. The only true exception is reading, and I love writing more than reading.

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