Am I weird... or a freak?

I am naturally introvert, I am really quite quiet with people, especially people I don’t know. Even when I am with a group of my friends that I have known for years, I don’t like speaking much.

It is not that I don’t want to, I really do, my mind just seems to go blanc and I can’t think of anything to say. Especially with people who I think are way more popular and pretty than me. My Dad is exactly like me, but my mum doesn’t really seem to accept it, she is always telling me to do more stuff with friends, but that isn’t really what I am into doing, I like other things, but she doesn’t really understand. She keeps saying that I am a freak child (not in a nasty way) because I don’t like to do lots of stuff with friends.

That just isn’t who I am adn I don’t know what to do, all that most of my friends do in my year is talk about eachother behid their backs or constantly talk about boys, and who did what yesterday.

I just don’t know what to do or how to be.

Please help


Answer #1

Thanks so much, that really helps :) Thanks!

Answer #2

You’re neither… You’re perfectly normal… extroverts always have a hard time understanding introverts (and for some reason think it’s a bad thing). Be who you are. Why would you want to be petty and shallow? As long as you’re happy, dont worry about your mother. She’s just worried about you.

Answer #3

I did the same thing. Just guess we don’t care for gossip or any crazy talk young girls carry on with. Now I like to be a blabber mouth. It just takes more confidence to speak up. I know someone like you but she is the extreme. She doesn’t keep up with friends. She’s just kind of there. You can’t even read her mind. I don’t know if she is really blank inside or what’s going on.

Answer #4

There’s nothing wrong with you. Your normal. Some people are just quiet, while others are very very talkative and seem to never shut up. Don’t worry, your fine. Keep being your true self.

Answer #5

If your uncomfortable being yourself, be what you wanna be, because that makes you You. Here are some tips to being outgoing.. observe and memorize conversations, then say them to your friends. Laugh at your friends jokes Join a social-tutoring class or somethng high five at least 10 people in the hallway tomorrow go to a chatroom smile!!! :) if you cant think of what to say, just “gossip”– or however you would call it– about the news, a show you watched yesterday, or a movie you want to see

that could be a start.. I really suggest the third one.

oh.. and ps- dont waste your time drooling over boys..

Answer #6


you are normal my chick

are you in high school or college?

I was like that I high school because I was limited to who I was constantly around.

IN COLLEGE! ahhh what can you say about college it was a whole new ball game. I found my scene. I tend to hang with the coffee house kats and I am joining a sorority that I think best suits my personality so yeeeaaahhh




your friends are just more ‘fast’ than you are… the kinds of things they are doing is childish

I dare say you are more mature and the wise person of your group yet again that’s how I was

Answer #7

Be yourself, you’ll be just fine - as you get older things will change and you’ll gradually become more outgoing - especially when you meet that certain to bring you out of it !…I wish you every happiness !!

Answer #8

you are not a freak or weird

you are you

you are at an age where most girls and guys act the same, so to say havent found their full personality

just because you like to do something that your friends dont like doing doesnt make you weird or a freak…

once they start to grow up theyll leave the chatting and drooling over boys and start acting grown up…

but really some stuff you can do with friends even if you dont like it, they are your friends after all, maybe they do something with you that you like and they dont, but they will still do it…

oh and also get out of your shell a little, be a bit more daring, have fun! theres nothing bad with trying something new, something different… maybe youll enjoy it, who knows…

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