Am I Anorexic?

Hi my name is Leandra and I’m 14 years old. Everyone keeps asking me if I’m anorexic and now I’ve been asking myself lately. I’m 5 feet and 2 inches and I’m approx. 90 lbs. My mom is trying to help me gain weight, but I just want to know the truth if I’m just very thin or anorexic.

Answer #1

You have a BMI (body mass index) of 16.5, which is underweight. (Anything below 18.5 is considered underweight). A normal weight would put you at a BMI of between 18.5-24.9.

According to Ohio State University, the defining signs and symptoms of anorexia are:

an intense and irrational fear of body fat and weight gain, a determination to become thinner and thinner, and a misperception of body weight and shape to the extent that the person feels fat even when underweight.

“Food, calories, fat grams, weight, and weight management dominate the person’s life and attempts to help are often ignored or met with denial or anger.” – Ohio State University Family and Consumer Sciences

Signs and symptoms of anorexia:

-dramatic weight loss; refusal to maintain the minimal normal body weight for one’s age and height -basing self-worth on body weight and body image -frequent skipping of meals, with excuses for not eating -eating only a few foods, especially those low in fat and calories -making meals for others, but not eating the meals themselves -frequent weighing of oneself and focusing on tiny fluctuations in weight -wearing baggy clothing to cover up thinness -excessive focus on an exercise regimen -frequent looking in the mirror for flaws -avoidance of social gatherings where food is involved -even when thin, complaining about being overweight -in females, missing three consecutive menstrual periods; in males, decreased sexual desire

If any of these sound like things you are going through, get help immediately. You can die from anorexia, and it causes many health problems. Talk to your mom and seek treatment. If these do not sound like you, then I would recommend seeing a doctor to make sure there are no underlying health issues causing your low weight. Good luck and take care of yourself!

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