Allow me to rephrase, Obama's plan.

  1. Tax cuts for the lower income and hike the higher income. What will stop them from moving overseas or charging more for goods and services? (Note: Calling the author of this question a moron without providing even a less then adequate answer only speaks negatively to your lack of intellectual capacity.
  2. Why is 96% of the governments income from taxes not enough? (This was from the IRS Collections spreedsheet).
  3. Was answered quite well by editor.
  4. Why is it that whenever he says change more spending is involved.
    Please note once again that insulting the author without answering the question is not a suitable answer. I dont understand why I have to point that out but apparently I do.
Answer #1

Obama promised ‘Change’ - we should all give him the benefit of the doubt until they are revealed, even though much of already ‘stated’ scares me - at that time we’ll see if they are positive or negative as to the interests of the country.

Answer #2

96% comes from the rich, it is hard to believe but that is the reality, 3%come from the poor, the other one percent comes from middle class.

Answer #3

Part of Obama’s plan is a tax credit for every American job created. This could change the economics of outsourcing a bit.

At this point our economy is so screwed up that the only way get Americans back to work is with something like the WPA. Of course since our nation’s infrastructure is literally crumbling there is plenty of this sort of work to do.

Answer #4


The other 4% probably comes from royalties, lease sales, interest, etc.


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    To that that's gone before;
    'Tis only that it's my two-cents,
    And not one penny more. §;o)
Answer #5

* 2. Why is 96% of the governments income from taxes not enough? (This was from the IRS Collections spreedsheet).

ideally, 100% of the government’s income is from taxes. Where is the other 4% coming from if not taxes!?

Answer #6

as for the goods (food, etc) going up, my friend recently told me that the root of the problem is the price of diesel fuel (he’s a truck driver). so, I think once they get diesel prices lowered, that would be a good jumpstart.

Answer #7

“Those on this website who revert to name calling have no defense of their position are so far to the left, they can’t examine any position other than those which coincide with their own. I’ve watched over the past month or so, when you can’t defend or explain, you MUST call your opponent a political hack, a religious nut or a moron, or take your lies elsewhere. It only shows their defenseless position and their inability to present a cogent argument. Please note that they have no argument other than to revert to ignorant name calling. I answered this elsewhere, so shall not again. But ignore the truly stupid - and I certanly chose the word “stupid” over ignorant for a reason, who are here.”

mmm yeah… so the republicans calling obama a muslim, a terrorist, unpatriotic, a socialist, and a communist, I guess that shows what they were really about?

Answer #8

Those on this website who revert to name calling have no defense of their position are so far to the left, they can’t examine any position other than those which coincide with their own. I’ve watched over the past month or so, when you can’t defend or explain, you MUST call your opponent a political hack, a religious nut or a moron, or take your lies elsewhere. It only shows their defenseless position and their inability to present a cogent argument. Please note that they have no argument other than to revert to ignorant name calling. I answered this elsewhere, so shall not again. But ignore the truly stupid - and I certanly chose the word “stupid” over ignorant for a reason, who are here.

Good questions by the way.

Answer #9
  1. Tax cuts for the lower income and hike the higher income. What will stop them from moving overseas or charging more for goods and services?

Simple: if we move the upper tax bracked back to where it was under Clinton…will that stop, or do nothing in terms of globalization?

Answer: nothing. It won’t help, and it won’t hurt.

2. Again, easy.

  1. Bail outs for the rich cost money (700 billion…) as we need to help them more than the idiots who took loans they couldn’t afford, and made it so hard working people like me can’t afford to buy a house, because prices have skyrocketed.

  2. Wars cost money, ironically, total spent in Iraq so far about 700 billion…if I’d read the writing on the wall & invested like Cheney, I’d be rich now…like him. However, I didn’t think that was right, and my own sense of what’s right & wrong got in the way. Too bad it didn’t for the Carlyle Group (Bush Jr & Senior are both part of it) AND for Cheney (Halliburton, etc).

…so, speaking as a guy who employs a few people, makes less than a quarter million per year between three businesses with my wife & I both working full time…and, who’s employees are overseas more than domestic, it’s NOT the rich who outsource to other countries, it’s everybody.

My dad used to import clothing from Indonesia, 20+ years ago, before globalization really got big under Bush Sr. & Clinton…the writing was on the wall then: if you’re a small business (he was, made less money than I do, even adjusted for inflation) and you don’t take advantage of trade and income imbalances, you are an idiot.

BTW, of the three owners of this website, I’m the only American :) all three of us live in the US, however.

4 More change = more money. Let’s see: the bail out (see above) AND the war in Iraq…exactly what part of EITHER of those did something for the poor & middle class? Gas prices shot up, the executives got their golden parachutes bilking the poor suckers who took the loans to buy overpriced houses…and while McCain had the right idea, his proposal never hit the senate floor. If he would have continued to champion the cause, instead of letting it drop, I’d have voted for him, because he did see some of it coming…however, by letting it drop, he showed (to me) that he lacked the courage to follow through with his convictions.

Me, I’m going to give the government a piece of my mind & hope they do the right thing, AND vote them out of office next time if they don’t do what will help all Americans, not just the rich.

Answer #10

“Part of Obama’s plan is a tax credit for every American job created. This could change the economics of outsourcing a bit.”

One can only hope. While international reaction to Obama’s election was mostly jubilant, the governments of India and China reacted more cautiously. There is a concern in those countries that Obama will end the trend of outsourcing US jobs, a trend which both of these countries have benefited from enormously. It’s a complicated issue though, because the fact remains it is legally much easier to build a new factory in India or China than it is in the US.

There is another trend at work, which is that many European and Japanese companies are now relocating manufacturing centers to the US. Toyota has been doing this for a while, but the one that shocked me was Aerobus, which plans to build a huge factory in the South. I don’t know how the recent rise of the US Dollar will affect that, but it is something to consider.

Answer #11

One other thing, as a business owner. The government sells the data from the Us census, as well as other highly valuable databases, such as lists of schools, etc. The money from these sales,effectively, prevents small business owners like me from entering a market, and since I helped contribute those tax dollars that were used to pay the salaries to collect the data, it losses me off.

Have you ever looked into getting g government data? The only excuse for charging money other than a token download or storage fee is to prevent business competition, as you can do a lot with such databases especially with the Internet.

:) I may be from the lower class in terms of my socio economic status, and the only member of my family in four generations to get a college degree, but I can smell bullshit as easily as the next guy. Other than preventing businesses like mine from competing easily with the established large, rich a multi generational business that are profiting from that data, there are no excuses for this kind of behavior from the government. Maybe if I was from a rich family, or believed any of the government’S BS I’d see it differently.

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