What is an abortion? This might be a stupid question.. cause i seriously dont know what it is.. and no im not pregnant.. :)

Answer #1

it when people don’t want babies and they kill them and make where they won’t come out and they cut the baby’s head off

Answer #2

An abortion is where they kill the baby growing inside a mother by a variety of different ways. Here’s a link with a lot of good information: http://funadvice.com/r/3n4a2sanqn

Answer #3

Abo.rtion is basically a way for a pregnant woman to end their pregnancy. Ab.ort.ions within 9 weeks can be done with medication, 9-14 weeks are done surgically, after 14 weeks, it can be done by inducing labor with medication in combination of medication and surgical ways. There are several medications you can take the planB pill.There is the menstrual aspiration suction aspiration, which is done through a vacuum. A flexible handheld suction device is inserted into the uterus, and then it sucks all the pregnancy tissue out ( pregnancy tissue is the “baby’). There is also the partial birth ab.ortion where the ab.ortionists delivers the baby, except for the head, and then a sharp object is used to create a hole in its skull, which a vacuum will then enter to suction out its brain. There is also the dilation abo.rtion in which a sharp knife is inserted and the bones, and body parts of the unborn child are torn. You can read more about them in these websites. http://funadvice.com/r/bt7egqsr2 (take hte period out inbetween abo.rtion)

Answer #4

Abo.rtion is basically a way for a pregnant woman to end their pregnancy. Ab.ort.ions within 9 weeks can be done with medication, 9-14 weeks are done surgically, after 14 weeks, it can be done by inducing labor with medication in combination of medication and surgical ways. There are several medications you can take the planB pill.There is the menstrual aspiration suction aspiration, which is done through a vacuum. A flexible handheld suction device is inserted into the uterus, and then it sucks all the pregnancy tissue out ( pregnancy tissue is the “baby’). There is also the partial birth ab.ortion where the ab.ortionists delivers the baby, except for the head, and then a sharp object is used to create a hole in its skull, which a vacuum will then enter to suction out its brain. There is also the dilation abo.rtion in which a sharp knife is inserted and the bones, and body parts of the unborn child are torn. You can read more about them in these websites. http://funadvice.com/r/bt7egqsr2 (take hte period out inbetween abo.rtion)

Answer #5


Answer #6

ohh my that seems terrible.

Answer #7

It’s basically ending pregnancy without a living child being born. There are natural ab0rtions, also called miscarriages. And there are ways to “remove” a pregnancy through surgery or medication, as Lady Janice described.

In most places, there is a time in early pregnancy when ab0rtion is legal and after a certain date it is made illegal. In some places it is utterly illegal to ab0rt. Though most countries do permit late ab0rtions if the life of the woman would be endangered by the pregnancy.

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