A "stupid" question...

Is there really a such thing as a stupid question?

Answer #1

yes, even answers theres smart questions, and theres stupid ones just the same as there is people and its true especailly if the person is uneducated then it will seem stupid to a more educated person also it varies because everyone has a different opinion about what or who they find stupid, and what they dont

Answer #2

yes people ask stupid question all the time but it’s always a answer to the question it’s never a dumb question with out a answer…

Answer #3

Yes. Like say yur teacher says; there’s no such thng as a stupid question. Ask them, can you take off yur pants?
Is that a stupid question?

Answer #4

It is a stupid question when you know what the answer is but you want to tick off the person.

Answer #5

lol. yes. I know some clever people who has asked really stupid questions. lol

Answer #6

If you ask a question because really don’t no the answer then it can’t be considered a stupid question

Answer #7

A question is never considered “stupid” if you truly don’t know the answer to the question.


Answer #8


Answer #9


Answer #10

No, of course not! Just stupid people.

Answer #11


Answer #12

talking about working dogs the other day my mates girlfreind asked “ what dogs do poodles work for “,,,,, i rest my case …..

Answer #13

im uneducated ,but i ask some pretty good questions ,,,,,

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