Is it true that if a man kills his wife when he found out she cheated on him, he can get out of his charges because he was in a rage?

Answer #1

If that is true then it’s messed up.

Answer #2

thats what im wondering

Answer #3

I doubt that he would just walk away, but the circumstances would be taken into consideration. My uncle’s ex wife had an affair years ago. When he found out about it he went to the guy’s house & beat him so bad that he was in a wheelchair for awhile. he went back home & beat the wife up pretty good, just put alot of bruises on her. All he got out of it was 3 months in the county jail with work release, and a year’s probation. he says that he regrets what he did, and that if he had it do do over he would just walk away.

Answer #4

Not true…..

Answer #5

Whether or not you believe it is your choice, but it is true. It happened the year I was born, 1994.

Answer #6

Oops I meant to say 1996*

Answer #7

A “Crime of Passion” was indeed a valid defense in France, but probably some 200 years ago. It’s also been used in the US as “temporary insanity,” meaning that the murderer has had a loss of control due to trauma. The charges or sentence can certainly be more lenient under these circumstances.

Answer #8

Once again, an unsubstantiated “Not true” from Niky.

Answer #9

It used to be an “unwritten law” in the US. A husband who killed his wife and/or her lover might be charged but no jury would convict him. Juries used to take the law into their own hands a lot more than they do now. In the South it was almost impossible to convict a white person of killing a black. It was so bad that the federal government had to step in and charge white murderers of black civil rights workers with violating their victim’s civil rights since no jury would convict them of murder. Now the pendulum has swung too far the other way in my opinion. Now juries will convict defendants who are guilty by the letter of the law even if it is obvious that they do not deserve to be convicted. US jurors basically follow the judge’s orders instead of doing what they think is right like they did in the past.

Answer #10

They will be put in jail for a while becuase at the end of the day they did kill something. And Murder is against the law in the U.S. But the circumstances will be taken into consideration

Answer #11

Believe not in US. No matter how many times she cheated on him, it doesn’t give him the right to kill his wife. No one is allowed to make justice on his/her own hands. The wife committed the crime but is not reasonable to create another crime to punish the first crime. Source:

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