What would you do if a random person in the street groped you but you don't know who it was?

Answer #1

Well NOW DAYS. lol I would kick the person hard a few times and yell and scream at him probably >,>

Answer #2

When does someone you know randomly grope you in the street xD

Answer #3

I mean what if it was so crowded, u never saw who it was or where he went?

Answer #4

Then there is nothing to do and I continue on my way :] lol

Answer #5

When its crowded. Not all people are well mannered:/ it happens to many girls..

Answer #6

Knee them in the gonads very hard

Answer #7

There is nothing you can do. I’m sorry if that happened to you.

Answer #8

I am sure it does. well there’s nothing that can be done if you dont know who they are and you dont know where they are or anything.

Answer #9

Yeees that is what you do! xD

Answer #10

Mmmmm hmmmm

Answer #11

Aditi, that is exactly what happened to me once, as a young hippie in midtown Manhattan (NYC), and Lily, that is exactly what I did.

Answer #12

Pull a tazer out and start acting crae.

Answer #13

Give him a good hard kick,as he would desirve it,no one who ever they are should be treated that way.

Answer #14

It happened to me once in a large store. What the creep didn’t know was that my 230lb. Dad was just around the corner. My Dad laid him out on the floor, hahaha ;)

Answer #15

I would give him what he desivers and kick him as hard in the grone and as he holds his self chop him to the ground.

Answer #16

wow! got what he deserved:)

Answer #17

Slap him, then kick him. >.> and yell. c:

Answer #18

Hhmm… I think I’d let her.

Answer #19

Punch him in the stomach, jam his adams apple and kick him in the groin trust me.Tried it on my younger Brother ;3

Answer #20

Don’t know who it was as in the person was a stranger? Or don’t know who it was because there are a million people everywhere and you have no idea which one groped you? xD well if it’s the first then I would probably beat the guy up and yell “don’t you ever try that again” xD and if it was the second then I would probably look around trying to figure out who it was and then just keep walking.

Answer #21

lmbo xD

Answer #22

Its the second one. Haha somehow they just disappear into the crowd lol. I never find out who did it so the only thing i can do is try my best not to yell -.-

Answer #23

Lol goshies andrew :p

Answer #24

yeah lol I might yell something depending on where I am and what not but otherwise I would just ignore it and continue with my life lol

Answer #25

yeah lol I might yell something depending on where I am and what not but otherwise I would just ignore it and continue with my life lol

Answer #26

as long as you know its a her xD

Answer #27

Haha that was exactly what i was thinking. It might not always turn out to be a “her” xD

Answer #28

Lol “assuming” it was a her! :p

Answer #29

Ooh :/ then there really sin’t anything to do then. That happened to me in school once when we had kilt uniforms -.- some guy reached under my kilt and groped me and just… ew never found out who it was, if I had the guy would have been in deep sh!t.

Answer #30

I know. Once i was walking on the street and this random person reached under my shirt from behind and he actually pinched my waist! O.O i searched for him but he just disappeared in the crowd..

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