Would you rather??:

would you rather:

    Lick someones dirty underwear that they have crapped in and left on 4 1 month?
                     Lick someones bloody pad that they wore all day?
  1. Would you rather:
                                            Never clip your toenails?
                                         Never change your socks? 
  2. would you rather:
                             Have ALL your hair buzzed off 4 the rest of your life?
                              wear the same outfit 4 the rest of your life?
Answer #1
  1. pad

  2. never clip my toenails

  3. wear the same outfit

gosh those were soo gross!! make up some new ones that we can do because those were good ones!!

Answer #2
  1. underwear

  2. never change my socks

  3. wear the same outfit.

OMG THOSE WERE GOOD ONES! I’m sooo using those. haha they took me a long time to decide. eewww. totally disgusting!!! BARF!

Answer #3
  1. pad
  2. never clip my toenails
  3. wear the same outfit 4 the rest of my life { I need hair}
Answer #4


  1. poopy underwear 2)socks 3)outfit ewww, those questions were sooo disgusting! blah!!!
Answer #5

undies same shoes same outfit.

this was soo horrible!!! 0_0

^_^ but fun.

Answer #6


(I answered above)

Answer #7

EWWW haha!

1.like the DISGUSTING bloody pad

2.never clip my toenails (doesnt mean I cant keep then clean)

3.wear the same outfit! xD

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