Would you rather be blind or deaf?

Would you rather be blind and able to hear? -or- Would you rather be deaf and able to see ?

Answer #1


Answer #2

deaf because sight is the most beautiful thing you can have

Answer #3


Answer #4

Deaf, for I’m a computer Scientist.

Answer #5

Well, since I’m blind already, I’d rather hear. Being deaf would be scary to me. I wouldn’t be able to hear music, the TV, people talking, cars coming or running, the computer when it talks, or hear sounds of the phone ringing. I can’t imagine myself not hearing anything though, I do envy Hellen Keller. She couldn’t see or hear. She lived a normal life like you and I and everyone else.

Answer #6


Answer #7


Answer #8


Answer #9

deaf, it would be really hard working if you were blind…

Answer #10

deaf! I could not stand not being able to see

Answer #11

Yup, deaf

Answer #12

blind cause I love music, I wouldent be able to hear my baby sis laugh and giggle, I wouldent be able to hear that my family loves me

Answer #13

blind, I want to be able to hear people, I never want to lose that… but it is a hard one

Answer #14

I rather be limp but not being blind and deaf…hahahaha

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