Answer #1

Because being an adult isn’t easy

Answer #2

due to stress

Answer #3

your body will adjust to it. i’ll be like second nature once you get ust to it.

Answer #4

If it was easy it would not be called work, it would be called recess !!

Like imlonely said, it is part of growing up.

BTW, some jobs can be very enjoyable- you just need to find the one that best suits your personality.

Answer #5

Lol I wish it were recess

Answer #6

Just because work is not always easy, and sometimes your doing it because you have to, not because you want to. But, it does not ways have to be tough, if you find the right job for you, or if you have the chance to do so, a job can be a very good expiriance.

Answer #7

Because if it were easy we would never learn things, like maturity and responsiblity and the act of doing things you dont always want to do.

Answer #8

Because we let them force us. If we kill (do/finish) them all then they will not have a chance to force us.

Answer #9

Because of the economy. I’m surprised no one posted this answer.

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