How do you think the US would be different if we had a woman as president?

Do you think the US would fail with a woman president?

Answer #1

Well whats diffrent from a woman or a man like their just different genders I don’t see how it would be any different.

Answer #2

I thin there would not be other difrences, meaby only the ones that she brings along. Meaby there would be more woman power. I don’t think the US would fail with a woman president as long as she brings good ideas and has the mind set, and is ready to lead a nation like that. Just like when we wondered what would happen if we had an african American president, now we have it and it has it’s ups and down like everything. She will have ups and downs and just the normal president thing. But ofcourse it could be a woman this time!

Answer #3

Nothing. All humans bear the same basic tendencies. Humans, in order to survive, have always been selfish, narcissistic, and willing to use others. Politicians are merely individuals that we, in one way or another, give power over our lives, and apply these same principals except on a much larger scale where the consequences are rarely limited to only one’s self. So I expect that a female president would probably fall right in league with her male counterparts, especially if she’s gained enough influence among politicians to make president.

Of course, many human beings have learned to overcome their natural tendencies in order to improve the world around them, but they are few and far between in the relative population of any generation, and I see even fewer among the powers-that-be.

Answer #4

shall i mention margaret thatcher?

well she was a great prime minister and did do good… but a hell of a lot more bad.

we still managed to keep the falkland Islands so im not complaining.

Answer #5

A woman president would make a difference to a country if she is not a puppet for faceless men who are only using her to govern the country. I’m not from the USA, but I always thought Hilary Clinton would have made a great President. She is what I call a role model. Educated, articulate, classy and elegant.….Australia has our own UNELECTED female Prime Minister (same as a President) and her leadership is shi-t. She does not make any decisions that are her own, but have people in her party pulling her strings. Ms Gillard wanted to abolish paid maternity leave (she isn’t married or have kids) and wanted to reduce the pension, as a female leader she lacks backbone… So back to your question, a woman president, if she has the right attributes can lead a country, only if she has the power to think for herself.

Answer #6

Yes, but I think the same applies for men. Unfortunately, even though I’m a law student, even in thirty years I doubt I’d be able to get within a league of becoming one of the major decision makers because of how much I think for myself.

Also, you mentioned your PM isn’t married and doesn’t have kids after talking about one of her decisions. Some people just make bad decisions, even without prodding from someone else.

Answer #7

Hilary Clinton gives me the creeps. Every time she came on TV during the primaries, the thought of having her as a president just made me sick. No matter how hard she tried to come across as “for the people” or whatever, I always saw her as a cold, hard b!tch, who didn’t give a flying f*ck about anyone else.

Answer #8

While many people like to act as if the only difference between men and women is plumbing in fact there are differences in typical male and female psychological makeup.

Men are typically more aggressive and competitive while women are typically more empathetic and cooperative. You can certainly find counterexamples to both of these generalizations but I contend that in the general sense it is true.

While I would expect a good president of either gender to work in the best interest of our country even if it mean going against their nature I would hope a woman president would be a little more hesitant to send our young people off to die in unnecessary wars or to demonize people who need help. I think we need more good women leaders.

Answer #9

once a month America would go to war with any countries owned by men xD that was a joke btw, im sure it would all be down to political views and the woman as a person, im sure there wouldent be all that much differance

Answer #10

While I agree with the generalizations, here’s where I would disagree. While the average woman may be more empathetic and what not, history hasnt actually shown this to be true of female leaders who are in male dominated societies (Margret Thatcher comes to mind). Even the study of women who are in high ranking positions shows that they share many of the male traits of aggressiveness and competition. My theory would be that if they didnt, they wouldnt have risen so far…

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