Why I always become very angry about a silly thing?

Please give me a advice “what should I do to make l less my angryness?” I know it is not god but I can’t control when iam angry. When I see my sister’s , mother’s or anyone else except my father doing any wrong thing iam used to shout at them.

Answer #1

generally, people get angry because they are frustrated about something or feel their not being listened to.

anger is something that you have recognised in yourself, which is good in a way, because it displays you’re unhappy with it, from there you can be more tolerant (I think tolerant is a better word than patience!)

are there particular times or people that trigger this anger? everyones gets angry, but life is about learning how to express that ‘anger’ as a more controlled reaction. the only way you can stop you getting angry, may be to sometimes remove yourself from a situation. this is, of course, not always possible. without a trigger it’s hard to distinguish what the best course of action is, counting to 10 etc is all well and good in theory, but in reality when someones going on at you, even the most patient of us will ‘loose it’ and this all comes down to the person your being angry at.

if it’s family, it’s very common to get angry with them, they often restrict your actions and life choices, which can be suppressing. and things suppressed don’t stay there for long, they may come out as displaced agression, whereby you take your anger out on something completely unrelated to the real problem.

theres an expression used in psychology; the dad hits the mum, the mum slaps the oldest son, the oldest son hits the little brother and the little brother kicks the dog. it’s about taking your anger out on something else, becuase you can’t do it to the thing your really angry about.

think environment and company and when you get angry. and always think, “what am I really angry about?”

Answer #2

u need a healthy release find take up boxing or somewhere you can channel and direct your anger.I do martial arts.my brother plays football.my cuzins play video games.this way you can bite your tounge when it counts and be angry later in a safe place.

Answer #3

sometimes, I tell my friends to take a deep breath and before reacting try and measure the problem on a scale of 1-10. 10 being blowing up and 1 being letting it slide. measure how bad the situation truly is and then act upon that. if not, take a deep breathe and think of something else. anything else.

Answer #4

just remember to be patient at all times… and you’ll find the other’s respect

Answer #5

Well; It is normal to be upset when seeing some one is doing wrong. But you also have to understand that shouting/ yelling at people won’t help the situation but aggravate it. I know that when people yell at me … I get upset.

It may be hard to control your emotions but when getting upset try to think of something peaceful and stay calm.

You might want to check with doctor… My brother has anger problems also. We found out he suffers from a syndrome called “Epilectic Anger Attacks” its sort of like eplepsy but instead of seizures he gets anger attacks. With medication, he is now under control!

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