Why hate emos?

Ok I want to know…what do people have against emos? Wh do you guys hate them sooo much? What did the do to you to deserve the way you treat them???

To all those people who don’t know what emos are…they aren’t people who don’t have friends…they have friends, they interact with others. The people that don’t maybe they’re depressed…leave them alone. If they don’t bother ou then leave them alone. The aren’t doing anthing wrong. They’re just trying to live their life. Not all emos cut either. Yea maybe some do but the majority don’t. Just because you think they’re emo you all have to assume they cut, assume they don’t have friends, assume the guys are fags. Get over it!!! They’re people just like you and me!!! Yea they may dress different but ya knw? Let them live their lives…if they aren’t doing anything to you than don’t mess with them…I know hella nice emos…they’re like my bestfriends…mess with them you mess with me…xp

Answer #1

I don’t like emos because. They are depressed constantly, they’re obsessed with their pain, so much that they can’t see what’s real anymore (Plus most emo’s these days are posuers). They are overdramatic, and they would even cut themselves(which doesn’t do anything). They aren’t able to see that pain is for everyone, how we deal with it is another matter. But becoming emo out of sadness does not do anything in life. You wreck your life as an emo.

“Those who had past sufferings, should be able to live above that. And become a better person. But for those who are weak, they shall remain in the shadows and eternally mourn over themselves, only then will they learn.”

That was a quote that I wrote by myself and for myself and others who choose to believe in it. I do not hate emo. But I believe it is wrong. Those who are emo, it’s their decision, they just have to realize they made it wrong.

Answer #2

I don’t hate anyone. Emos just get on my nerves. All of the emos I have ever been around at school are NEVER openminded to friendships outside of their little “emo group”. They also seem to be constantly negative, having a horrible outlook on life. I don’t see what the point of that is when in order to suceed, you must be positive.

Answer #3

“emos” hate on other stereotypes just as much, and then when it comes back their way, they cry about it. Seems dumb.

Answer #4

if you wana b emo BE EMO! if you want to b goth BE GOTH!! etc dont care at all what people are or want to, I see past all of that, I dont judge or hate or disrespect I dont hate anyone unles they p!ss me off!!

Answer #5

I don’t hate emo’s really. I understand where xxjulixx is coming from but I do believe that everyone has a right to decide what they do with their life. Yh some emo’s do hurt themselves but some also dont. Really it is up to them what they do with themselves I just hope they know what they are doin to themselves and if they dont well, they’ll soon face consequences later in life.

Answer #6

f|_|ck your idiot style

Answer #7

I dont hate emos…some people just dont like how they treat themself.

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