Why do they stare??

In my journalism class, everytime I speak the majority of the class just stares at me. It has gotten better to where they just look for a second and then look at their work or whatever but the girl that sits infront of me is the only one that just stares at me until whatever I’m talking about or conversation I ‘strike up’ is over. Why do you think she does that??

Answer #1

dodge2500: um… that’s a fake piercing that I put in for that picture.

Answer #2

a lot of people in my classes do that to me too when I answer question after question lol , kinda made me a nerd today lol , but anyways … a lot of people just stare like its not there fault. if shes starting to bug you make a silly face and if she cracks up laughin hope she dissrupts the class and then everyone will stare at her lol or just ask to move away from her if shes really distracting you that much.

Answer #3

Seriously, they are not staring because there is something wrong, they are just paying attention to what you are saying. You know it is polite to give eye contact to someone to show they are listening. They have not been doing it as much probably because they have either lost interest, have other work to do or some other trivial reason. It’s not anything to worry about.

Now if they are giving you dirty looks, that is another thing and should be brought to the attention of the teacher.

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