why do people make fun of other people

why do some people do that

Answer #1

because they are inconsiderate fools. they have no lives and they are ugly on the inside which makes them ugly on the outside

Answer #2

Because they’re insecure and when they put down others it makes them feel better about themselves.

Answer #3

cause they have nothing else to do

Answer #4

Because people hate other people for their differences. If your an Atheist in a certain Christian crowd, Christians will make fun of you because you don’t believe in God. It is just differences.

Answer #5

usually because they are fools have some insecurity that they are trying to hide.

Answer #6

a lot of the time there jelious and are embaressed. There like omg there prettier but im suppose to be better looking so I have to make them think the ugly and maybe they will be then. Its about the other person all the time. I would know cause in elementary scool I was kind of bullied, and I felt so ugly, but then when I hit high school, I was told I was pretty I was asked out. People were surprised I never had a boyfriend but thats just because I lost my confidence. I even found out I was called beautiful from a guy to his friends so dont worry, its just life.

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