Why did Obama get a Nobel Peace Prize?

Why did Obama get a Nobel Peace Prize? What great thing did he do?

Answer #1

b/c he wants to negotiate? negotiation will do nothing more than show weakness, you must be the bully, you gotta beat up the other kids for there lunch money(in a manner of speaking) if your not the bully your nothing in this world, ou know why?

Wow, such ignorance… We had eight years of a president acting like a bully around the world, and the only thing we had to show for it was hundreds of thousands dead, our international reputation in the toilet, and the world economy teetering on the verge of a depression.

In case you didn’t notice, a country of the people, for the people and by the people voted overwhelmingly for Obama.

What rights have you lost because of Obama?

Answer #2

b/c he wants to negotiate? negotiation will do nothing more than show weakness, you must be the bully, you gotta beat up the other kids for there lunch money(in a manner of speaking) if your not the bully your nothing in this world, ou know why? bc its all about that money… no president deserves the nobel peace prize bc they are not doing s**t for us… a country for the people by the people, well I dont see the people having much right anymore…

Answer #3

he proberbly paid someone, sorry for anyone I offend

Answer #4

and be left of center politically.

Answer #5

because he is black

Answer #6

After Arafat won, I became convinced that the only qualifications are:

  1. Be famous
  2. Be in politics
  3. Be moderate in your acts of terrorism
Answer #7

IMHO… The tone and direction that he and his staff are taking is toward negotiations and talks with countries and leaders who are in disagreement with the US, rather than the threats and intimidation that the prior administration was pursuing. A Negotiator rather than a Bully, if you will.

Answer #8

He did nothinqg in my point of view , sorry to whoever I offendd .

Answer #9

on cnn.com it said he was unique and got the peace prize for giving ‘hope’ to the world

Answer #10

He had a beer with a black professor and a white cop… I reckon it’s been a light year for peacemaking.

Answer #11

he deserves it

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