What's your biggest pet peeve?

One of my biggest pet peeves is my boyfriend putting the empty ice tray back in freezer! This drives me crazy…

What your or one of your biggest pet peeves?

Answer #1

As the site editor and self-proclaimed grammar nerd, I agree with texaskimmie.

And also add that I hate when people use the wrong ‘they’re’ ‘their’ and ‘there’.

Answer #2

I HATE when I’m in my socks and I step in something wet (like in the kitchen or bathroom). I literally scream. lol

Answer #3

mosquito bites, blisters, dishonesty, infidelity and blatant stupidity.

Answer #4

I agree with sikashimmer. I hate the wet sock thing. Another thing I hate is when I am really far away and I can hear you breathing. Yes I know you need to breathe but god would that person not breathe so loud.

Answer #5

I friggen HATE boys who constantly lie, lie in general, are annoying, piss me off, I dont like haters, I cant stand chicks who talk about you behind your back, and also. people who DONT text or call you back! OR ignore phone calls. :]

Answer #6

I absolutely hate… JWALKERS! They drive me insane..

I am a nice person- But if you j-walk infront of me.. i will FREAK OUT!

Also I really hate the sounds of sand against pavement.. random- i know.

Answer #7

Because I’m a writer, I hate it when people put apostrophes in the wrong place. An apostrophe then an ‘s’ denotes possession.

Like the other day I was in the Dollar Store and there was a sign that said:

“Crayon’s for sale”. Crayons what? I hate that!!

Answer #8

I understnad what you mean texaskimmie!

Answer #9

When people pretend to be thing they are not.

Answer #10

I hate it when people chew their gum or food outloud!!

Answer #11

ignorance and stupidity,that sht just pi* me off!!!

Answer #12

liars, superficial people, people who think their better than everybody else, and perverts lol :)

Answer #13

When people don’t brush their teeth good enough or when someone leaves two drops of shampoo, ketchup, or milk etc. left.

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