What is the biggest problem with the world today?

I’m interested in hearing opinions on this, please.

What in your opinion is the biggest problem with people/society today. I.e. what is the root cause of all our troubles.

Oh and may I please ask that this doesn’t end in a debate, I’m just curious as to what people think it is.

Answer #1

In general, the world’s a sad place to be in. Too much pain and suffering, I guess. I think that the biggest problem is that people don’t care anymore about anything or anyone other than themselves. Its the fatal flaw in our design.

Answer #2

and ignorance

Answer #3

Ignorance… especially ignorance of ignorance.

Answer #4


Answer #5

Bad parenting and governments poking their noses in peoples personal lives too much

Answer #6

egocentrism and ignorance

Answer #7

the fact humans dont see that they create all problems and it is only pratical that we can fix then but we decided that if we like it, it must mean it is supose to exest

Answer #8

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