What's the best way to improve my English?

whats the best way to improve my english?

Answer #1

watch televsion speak a lot at home learn 3 new words everyday 4 a half of an hour and in bout six months you will be speakin fluent English! thats how I learned 2 sleak english I taught myself!

Answer #2

I’d say speak to as many English speakers as you can, as often as you can, and ask them to politely and helpfully correct your English when you need it.

Answer #3

Get a tutor, someone who will help you learn proper English. If you do not have cash to pay them, maybe you can trade. For example you may know how to play the violin, so you can teach the tutor the violin while he teaches you better English.

Or, you can improve your English by reading, playing games like “Bookworm” online. Any game that helps you spell or pick out words. God bless!

Answer #4

reading, and talking to people who do not use slang words, from a mothers point of vew, we need to pick up the slang words just to understand our children lol.. how about we swap info… Good luck

Answer #5

Well learning it from someone is probably the best way, but watching TV will help with the understanding part… Try a penpal who speaks fluent english… it will gve you a good chance to practise with the writing part… And if you know anyone who speaks english… practise with them…

Answer #6

well I guess you work wit english dictionaries and speak wit beta english speakers

Answer #7

singing songs from america will probably help!

Answer #8

The best way to improve your English is by readling a lot

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