Whats the best way to start labour off?

Whats the best way to start labour off?

Answer #1

No. They won’t. They won’t induce you at 38 weeks unless the life of you or your baby is at risk. She’s not coming yet because she isn’t ready. When the body is ready, then you will start your contractions and nothing other than medical intervention will cause labor to begin. And yes, babies are born at 30 weeks and they are premature not able to live outside the body on their own. It takes up until at *least 36 weeks for the lungs to be fully developed and able to function properly. And a huge majority of those born at 30 weeks end up staying in the NICU for many weeks until they can live on their own—when their lungs can breathe on their own and not require a respirator. Those long stays in the NICU can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars that either the parents or more than likely the rest of us taxpaying citizens end up paying for.

Answer #2

And I am a 5’2”. 108 pound who ALSO HAS HAD A BABY—SHE WEIGHED 9 POUNDS AND I WENT OVER 40 WEEKS AND 3 DAYS. SO DON’T EVEN START ON ME!!! Just get over yourself!!

Answer #3

yea as im coming to the end of it, its gettin a bit tight in there for her and I always have a foot or an elbow sticking out, also im getting really bad indegestion and back ache, I am concerned for my babys welfare, I just want her out now and to be with me lol

Answer #4

oh thats alrite I suppose !!!

so im guessin you just wanna have the baby then haha ?

Answer #5

isnt pregnancy a nine month term ?

so what maybe she is far into her pregnancy and wants to get it over with … give the women a break

umm… you cud go to the hospital and get them to start your pregnancy !!

Answer #6

if pregnacy is a tenth month term then why are there people giving birth to babies when there around 30 weeks pregnant, I dint ask a sarcastic question so I dont expect a sarcastic answer, THANKS

Answer #7

Spicy food doesn’t do anything.

Pregnancy is a ten month term for a reason - that’s how long the baby needs to develop to it’s strongest, giving it the best chances of survival. By trying to shorten that time, you’re being very selfish.

You think every other woman in the world didn’t get tired of being pregnant?

Deal with it!

Answer #8

I tried that had a vindaloo and she still hasn’t made an appereance!!

Answer #9

No, no, no!

You don’t initiate labour - that can be extremely dangerous.

Be patient…it will happen when it’s time.

Answer #10

And vice versa…if you don’t like our answers then don’t post your questions. Its not the baby I object to at ALL, its the mothers who continue to have baby after baby aftet baby after baby…and never get off their a**es to try and go to school, learn what BIRTH CONTROL IS, get an education, and get OFF WELFARE. THE BABY had no choice in the matter, but THE MOTHER DID!! SHE could have chosen to KEEP HER LEGS TOGETHER FOR ONCE!! If you don’t like what I have to say, or anyone else who is mature enough to tell you that you shouldn’t try to induce labor before its time just because you’re “tired of being pregnant”. Well boo-hoo, aren’t you just the pitiful one!!! Check YOUR attitude! And I am a responsible citizen, I WILL pay my taxes.

Answer #11

I have 3 children, thanks.

I also had two of those children a couple of weeks early and I won’t even get into all the difficulty those couple of weeks caused.

The safest place for your baby right now is in the womb, and if you cared for her at all, you’d realize that.

You’re doing this for your own selfish desires…just admit that and be done with it - your argument is flawed.

Answer #12

you please tell me what harsh truth I need to be told then, I dont see how im being a child about this situation, im 19 years old and 2 weeks from my due date, maybe if you have been through pregnancy you will realise how hard it is when it gets to last few weeks off pregnancy, yea I want this pregnancy to be over so I can hold my baby in my arms and no that she is in the safest place, so im sorry for wanting to be a decent parent!!

Answer #13

We can answer any question on this site, so you’re just going to have to deal with that - you have no right to tell anyone not to.

If it so happens that we feel you need to be told the harsh truth, we will do it, so you’re just going to have to deal with that as well.

Stop being a child about this and accept your advice and move on.

Answer #14

im ever so sorry that YOU taxpayers have to pay for the help of innocent babies that need treatment, if it bothers you that much stop paying your taxes, I put this question on here for a bit of fun and cant understand why there is people like yourself and the other person that was sarcastic getting all up and fustrated about the situation if you dont like my question dont answer it!!!

Answer #15

You go to the end of the ninth month, therefore = 10 months.

If they’re giving birth at 30 weeks, the baby is early. A full term pregnancy is 40 weeks. Babies born early come with risks and a lot of work and despair for the mother - you should just hope that you never have to endure a premature baby.

If your intention is to endanger your baby because you’re fed up with being pregnant, then you will get the answer you deserve to hear…you are selfish.

Answer #16

I dont wish to be patient, I have had enough of being pregnant

Answer #17

na dont think they would do anything for me

Answer #18

naww !!! … maybe you cud talk to yur doc !! and just say you want an early labour !!

Answer #19

how far are u ?

Answer #20

38 weeks and I am due 2weeks

Answer #21

well just to let you no I had a stillbirth at 20weeks so don’t tell me I don’t know what I am talking about

Answer #22

oh im sorry if I was rude … I didnt mean to be … :)

Answer #23

didnt mean you I ment ichibanarky :)

Answer #24

Then shouldn’t you be a little more concerned for your baby’s welfare?

You think you’d learn from it!

Answer #25

u cud eat a spicy foood !!!

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