What's the most pain you've ever been in?

Answer #1

It’s a toss up between a 72 hour labour and a 4 day migraine

Answer #2

most pain id say either when i sprained my groin or my high ankle sprain, or getting hit in the balls lol

Answer #3

cracking my head open on playgorund equipment and getting stiches, or getting surgery in the stomache…

Answer #4

Definitely 25 hours of labour….ouch!!!

Answer #5

It’s got to be the time when I fell on screwdrivers and just laid there. I was so much pain, and never went to the hospital. The pain is still there to this day.

Shows you how much parents care about a child’s health and safety.

Answer #6

Falling out of a tree & hitting my back on a root sticking out of the ground. Dx

Answer #7

Somhow I knew somone was going to say that :)

Answer #8

Say what?

Answer #9

Oh my gosh…. D:

Answer #10


Answer #11

don’t complain colleen had 72 lol I think

Answer #12

Well, here’s the funny thing - I had a 72 hour natural labour and I think Id still say the 4 day migraine was worse.

Answer #13

haha whenever i hurt myself they dont take me to the docotr or hosiptal unless its absolutely needed…i sprained my wrist multiple times, and they did nothing :P

Answer #14

In all my years in ER’s and OR’s…

Not broken bones (although ribs are a b*tch) Not gun shots Not cuts Not scrapes (although serious road rash is !!!) Not head trauma (you’re usually in coma land) Not decompression illness (the bends) Maybe migraines…

The envelope, please… and the winner is protracted labor.

Thanks to all the Moms who suffered so we could be here today…

Answer #15


Answer #16

Swallowing 5 Pence and ending up in hospital when i was 6 >:) i know it sucks but ive never broken a bone or anything in my life :/

Answer #17

Without a doubt…the labour I could handle with controlled breathing and rest between contractions…the migraine had me crying my eyes out like a child, with no relief

Answer #18

Geez! Did you have to go to the hospital?

Answer #19

5 Pence?

Answer #20

Yes, they gave me a strong narcotic that didn’t stop the pain, but at least it put me to sleep

Answer #21

Falling out of a huge tree upside down..and landing on a rock. :[

Answer #22

Pence is part of the English currency :) its like a Cent to you :)

Answer #23

Haha running into a fence and getting a nail stuck in my knee when I was 12. My dad had to take me to the hospital to get it taken out because it was so deep in

Answer #24

OH…slaps forehead I should know that :D

Answer #25


Answer #26

When I developed a Bartholin cyst. The whole experience was painful, before and after surgery.

Answer #27

I never thought breaking my wrist was that painful. Throwing out my back was painful but not white hot intense pain. Even ripping my scalp open in a bicycle crash wasn’t that painful. I remember walking to the hospital after separating my shoulder which also wasn’t that bad.

The most pain I can remember was when I stubbed my little toe on the corner of my kitchen island. After stubbing it my little toe pointed about 30 degrees outward. I knew it pointing outward was not good. Remember how my high school gym teacher would give jammed fingers a good yank I grabbed the wayward toe and gave it a yank. As bad as stubbing it hurt the yank was so painful that I couldn’t even make a sound; it was like a wave of pain washed over me. After the yank it was almost parallel to the other toes but still a little wayward. I knew that it would be more painful to pop back after it swollen up I gritted my teeth and gave it another tug but this did the trick and wasn’t nearly as bad as the first tug. Two weeks later my toe and foot still hurt so I went to my doctor for X-rays and learned that I broke my proximal phalange. You can’t wear a cast for this so I “buddy taped” it to the next toe for the next 6 weeks.

Answer #28

when i broke my arm

Answer #29

As far as physical pain goes I’d have to say the most painful injury I’ve sustained is a fractured toe :l Pretty lame.

Answer #30

I got frostbite really bad on a few of my toes =[[[[[ and then I tripped on the stairs and hit them and broke 2 of them =[[[[[[ I was screaming for probably 5 minutes straight. And then once I got a softball to the….you know…. and i couldnt even walk the next day.

Answer #31

This pain I had on my side for two weeks straight… it was just too much…

Answer #32

If got burnd and had to get a skin graph

Answer #33

IDK Im sure breaking my leg hurt like non other, but I was like 4 and don’t remember. Same with dumping a tea kettle of hot water in my lap, I was too young to remember. But right up there has to be either a) fracturing my ankle b) blocking several kicks with one leg while sparing with a friend, and he managed to hit a bundle of nerves i guess. Dropped me to the ground and still aches when its cold (and I live in Montana…..) or c) having my acid reflux flair up before i knew what i was. Went from ok, to crying on the floor in 1/2 sec flat…..

But still those all are kinda on par with each other, just in different ways. Hurt like hell to when a skateboard flew out from under me and I broke my fall first with my right elbow, then the back of my skull. Or there was the roller blades I did the same thing on…… I have probably had several concussion, just never really went to the doctor for them. If I could stand up and walk on my own I was good.

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