What was your New Year's resolution?

what was your new years resolution?

Answer #1

I made a few resolutions, but I think they’re things that I’ve been trying to gradually change:

  1. Get toned before Mine and my partner’s wedding in March- I don’t really want to lose weight, I just want to replace it with muscle. So I’m currently getting back into dance to achieve this.

  2. Walk away from a situation when I get angry- I did this yesterday, and I’m really proud of myself for doing it. I just have to keep it up!

  3. Cut down the clutter- I’ve collected too many bits and pieces in my 21 years on this Earth, and it’s time I let go of what I don’t need. I started on the 1st Jan by taking half of the clothes in my wardrobe and plan on donating them to a clothing drive next week. I’d forgotten I had some of the items, and I still have lots of clothes!

Answer #2

I’m going to sit at the back of my bus and NOT have the older kids kick me out (at my school, the older kids don’t allow the freshmeat sit in back, that’s soon going to change). I’m also going to go to a gym regularly and start boxing!!

Answer #3

hmm…thats the thing…I try to come up with resolutions, but I never find any I know are possible to keep if I really try. Just wanted to hear ideas! :)

Answer #4

I tried not to make a new Years resolution this year because my pastor at my church told us that Making new Years resolutions like “I want to lose weight, or quick drinking/smoking, or whatever” is just setting yourself up for failure.. could you agree?? I totally could agree!! So instead the pastor lead us to think more logical like making “resolutions” like “returning something borrowed” or “Help someon out” Our “Clean your house” and such..

Answer #5

get thiner thighs & tummy muscles. any advice on eating tip??

Answer #6

no chocolate, and I havent had any :D woot woot! whats yours?

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