What is your New Year's resolution?

Do you have a NEW YEARS resolution? What is it?

Answer #1

Perfect my Handwriting Excersize daily Become more organised Write Poetry Daily…

Those are just to name a few.

Answer #2

get to my goal weight of 84lb and maintain it get rid of bulimia - no binging and hopefully no purging go back to anorexia - fasting regularly and resricting at all other times lots of regular excercise

Answer #3

I have a few, let’s see… definately to save money, to work out and tone up (I have put on a little more weight than I am comfortable with in the last year!), and to be a nicer person to the people who matter most to me (I sometimes take them for granted and I know I shouldn’t!)! What are yours?

Answer #4

Loose 20lbs. Keep computer clean, and tidy. Exercise. Stick to my plans. Read more. Increase my vocabulary. Get straight A’s on my report card. Study harder. Leave a footprint on the school (SRC/Student facilitator/prefect)


Answer #5

-Finsh math 20 pure honors online -Save money for post seconday /car -Workout more -Date More

Answer #6

Exercise every day.

Answer #7

workout and do good in school yup

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