What percentage would you say ?

Dr M L King taught us a man should be judged by the ‘content of his character’ not the ‘color of his skin’ - What percentage of Obama voters in the election will vote solely by color in your opinion ?

Answer #1

Thanks all for your insightful comments, appreciate it !!

Answer #2

I think about 50% of voters would vote for color of skin then the majority. Since most people in my opinion won’t vote for Obama because he’s black, Race shouldn’t be an issue. That’s just my opinion though.

Answer #3

some people are still racist today. so probably most of the blacks will vote for Oboma and the white will vote for the other. but if oboma wins he will make history bc we have had all white men for prez.

Answer #4

Not too many… given that the african american support was largely behind clinton early on… obviously they weren’t simply voting on color…

Answer #5

well if it is becaese of color hes mixed so if its for color mixed black and whites can vote for him I just didn’t trust hillary

Answer #6

“Since most people in my opinion won’t vote for Obama because he’s black, Race shouldn’t be an issue. That’s just my opinion though.”

Huh? You think most people won’t vote for him because he is black, so that means race ISN’T an issue? That makes no sense.

amblessed, which do you find more offienseive? Voting for obama because he is black, or not voting for obama because he is black?

Answer #7

More people will vote for the “wallet”…when it’s all said and done…take home pay and jobs will come in ahead of color…

I don’t think that holding any politician up as a beacon of sexual morality is particularly wise…including Obama…you don’t know if or where he might have been dipping his wick. Better stick to issues, since there’s probably damn few who’d pass a lie detector test.


Answer #8

Who knows? Probably the same amount of women that would vote for Palin just because she has a vagina.

And if I should be voting “content of character” I will vote for the candidate that did NOT CHEAT ON HIS CRIPPLED WIFE TO MARRY A YOUNGER, WEALTHIER WOMAN. I will vote Obama.

I will vote for Obama based on the issues and for me, race is not an issue.

But, perhaps, race is an issue for you?

Answer #9

Tons of people are going to vote for him just because he’s black. That doesn’t make their votes any less valid.

Answer #10

colour wouldent effect my vote

Answer #11

Me, being both black and white, like Obama. I don’t see race, because I have both in my family.

When someone asks me what race I am, I always look confused, like why would they ask this question? Sometimes I don’t know what they’re talking about, because I forget that I might look different because of my race.

I doubt my parents are voting for him because he’s black, they’re voting for him because they’re tired of those stupid republicans. And I don’t like him solely because he is black, I like the way he talks, what he talks about, how he communicates with people, and why he’s running for office. Not because of his race.

Amblessed, are you racist?

Answer #12

jimahl: amblessed, which do you find more offienseive? Voting for obama because he is black, or not voting for obama because he is black?

I would hope a person votes by the ‘content of their character’ as Dr King stated - worse would be ‘just because he’s black’ - a zero thought process.

Answer #13

To me the $64,000 question is, will more people vote for Obama because he is black than won’t vote for him because he is black. I suspect that being black is still a liability overall but I’ll have to admit that I have no way to scientifically test this.

Answer #14

“I would hope a person votes by the ‘content of their character’ as Dr King stated - worse would be ‘just because he’s black’ - a zero thought process.”

So would I. I agree that neither is good, or smart criterior to vote on, but there are people who will vote for Obama mostly because he is black, and there are people would won’t vote for him because he is black. Which do you find more offensive?

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