What kind of phobia or fear do you have

Whats your phobia or fear every one has a thing there scared of.

Im scared of my mom abandoning me also im afraid im gonna grow up and die alone :’(

Answer #1

I’m scared that I might mess up my life I have clostrophobia im scared of fliing (in a plane) im scared that I’ll never see my friends after 5th and 6th year and that my ex will want to get back together (when she was the 1 that dumped me the first time!)

Answer #2

Enclosed spaces and loneliness.

Answer #3

I’m terrified of losing my parents. I’m terrified of my dog getting kidnapped and used as bait for some of the dogfighting that I know goes on around here. I’m terrified of dark water that you can’t see through. I’m terrified of spiders. Lots of things really.

Answer #4

im just afraid of the UNKNOWN .. like I wonder whats going to happen after death .. and im afraid I will NEVER see my family again

Answer #5

absolutley nothinggg scares me EXCEPT for this!!! D:

Answer #6

im really phobic of:

  • The idea of something falling from a high distance -depth -balloons popping
Answer #7

the movie- OPEN WATER, brought my deepest fear to the big screen.

floating alone out in the middle of the ocean- with all of the seas predators swimming beneath me, and not being able to do anything about it.

Answer #8

I’m terrified of balloons. I don’t know what it is about them I just completely freak out whenever balloons are around.

Answer #9

I’m afraid of needles! even if I see them on tv .

Answer #10

getting pregnant before I move out of my parents house. having a loved one die. and … fish. gah!

Answer #11

Drowning. Biggest fear of my life.

Answer #12

I have Spider-Phobia:o lolxz

Answer #13

My daughter dieing My Mom and Grandma dieing Small black pokadots My boyfriend dieing Getting in a accident!!!

Answer #14

The Dark My son dieing from Sids Roaches Oceans, Lakes, Rivers - I can’t swim.

Answer #15

Spiders scare me really bad. Snakes too.

Answer #16

im afraid of my mom dieing

Answer #17

im terified of tornados whell not relley the tornados them selves but the specifice kind of damage to the arearelley I gusee its the losing every thing I have my pets my house all my stuff every thing and I dont know if it is a phobia but I will never fliy in a commercale airline I just dont like the mulitipul bad situations that could happen you know terrorist attacks succeding while im aboared, crashing, etc

Answer #18

I think its weird but I have Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed. not the bed part the sleep part its called Somniphobia witch is the Fear of sleep…but I do sleep barely it takes hours

Answer #19

My worst phobia I would say is being in water I can’t see through. If I go to the beach I stay on the sand, if I go on a boat I’m fine but I can’t get in the water. When I was younger I went boating with family and they talked me into getting on a tub and they said if it flips let go and they will come back around and get me. Well, the tub flipped, but I was so scared that something in the water would get me that I refused to let go of the tub.

I also have phobia of getting shots or of needles. Its called Aichmophobia. I can’t watch it in person or even on tv. I tried to donate blood when I was in high school and I blacked out after they pricked my finger. I had to get 3 shots before I could go to college and I was hyper-ventiating, bawling my eyes out, and my ex-boyfriend had to bear hug me while I sat on his lap just so the lady could give me the shots.

I hate spiders.. I run away!

I don’t like to cross over bridges of watch. I have terrible dreams that I crash my car at night on a bridge and my car goes over the side of the bridge and tumbles into the water. Then I’m too afraid to try to break out of my sinking car because I don’t know what is gonna be in the water, so I just sit in my car and wait to die.

I also am afraid of being alone in a house or an apartment. I can’t sleep at night when I’m the only one there. I freak out at every noise I hear. I even close the door and I’ll lay there crying.

I have more, but they are less nerve racking than the ones I listed.

Answer #20

The fear of messing things up

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