What is your biggest fear?

Growing up I use to think I wasnt afraid of anything but now that im older (21) I realized that I fear the unknown more than anything else. So what are some things that you’re afraid of or fear.

Answer #1

Gettinqg shot, knowing that something bad can happen at anytime and that I: never get married cause im chubby .

Answer #2

The Big Wheel Man Scary Shyt Hights 2 D: Dying I’d Okey

Answer #3

im arfaid of being alone the rest of my life

Answer #4

My biggest fear is loosing the person I love ( My boyfriend). Loosing my family would hurt a lot but it isnt my biggest fear only because they were never there for me when I needed them and they still arent. Another one of my fears in getting in a car accident cause I have a really bad back and even a minor accident could kill me and I am only 19 I’m not ready to die and loose everyone and everything I have.

Answer #5


Answer #6

Being abandoned! I don’t know why, but I’ve had a very similar experience when I was younger.

Answer #7

Good question… .-.

I don’t know. Nothing? o-o

Answer #8

Being raped, dying, being alone. D:

Answer #9

being raped bye a old guy 0_0

Answer #10


Answer #11


Answer #12


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