What is the possibilty of..?

Out of complete curiosity, is there even the slightest possibility of giving yourself a mental disorder?

What I mean is, believing so much that you have a mental/personality/psychological disorder that you develop it. For example, believing that you have schizophrenia and eventually you start seeing and hearing things.

Answer #1

It’s a good questions. I just don’t think that you can learn it, I do however believe that sometimes we can react to bad circumstances in a way that would cause us to be depressed (more that we would usually be)

Answer #2

What are you implying firstly?

Depression and other mental disorders (in general) aren’t learned behaviours. So I do not think that it would be possible to force yourself to develop it, just like you can’t force yourself to have a heart attack.

Answer #3

Ehh, I’m not too sure how to explain it further. It was one of those “awake at three in the morning, running on no sleep” kind of thoughts.

I guess what I kind of meant was making yourself believe you have one of those problems and eventually losing control and always having your little manufactured version of the problem. Obviously not the real thing, but a sort of different version of it.

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