What is better huge butt\small boobs or small butt\huge boobs?

I have a huge ass and small boobs but I don’t know if guys like that or small butt and huge boobs

Answer #1

well for me being a guy

ill rather have a big a** girl with small boobs

but if I had to take a big boobs girl with no a** that will be fine to


Answer #2

Depends on the guy.

Just play up your assets (no pun intended) and be confident! Confidence is attractive no matter what your body shape or size.

Answer #3

Most guys at my school are more into big butts lol

Answer #4

Lol, you know it really just depends on the guy. Everyone is different and has different tastes. I’ve know tons of guys who like big butts, some who like small butts. Same thing goes for the boobs, some like big, some like medium, some like small. Its just personal preference, all you can do is take what you got and work it! Try to love what you got! Self confidence goes further than you know! Men dig it, regardless of whether or not you got that specific body type they like.

Answer #5

Big butt and NO boobs is unaatractive - Big butt and big boobs is cool, … Nice butt and any boobs is great! : )

Answer #6

I have a & medium b0obs & m0st guys at my sk00l likii big a they d0nt really care 4 the boobs

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