What is a scientologist?

What is a scientologist? Like what tom cruise and katie holmes are?

Answer #1

Yes - Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are sceientologists. “A Scientologist is a follower of the doctrines and beliefs of Scientology” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientologist

Answer #2
Answer #3

what do they believe in because I saw in a magazine people were protesting katie holmes 4 being one and I was wondering why it was so bad.

Answer #4

Scientology is a cult that believes, in a nutshell, that everyone is possessed by ‘thetans’, which are the ghosts of billions of aliens who were shipped to earth billions of years ago by Xenu, an alien emperor suffering an overpopulation problem, who stacked them like cordwood around volcanoes, then blew them up with nuclear bombs. Scientology is focussed around ‘cleansing’ people of these ‘thetans’.

Yes, seriously.

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