What if I go on birthcontrol,will itb harder4me2get pregnant later?

I’m scared to go on birth control, because I heard it will be harder for me to get pregnant when I am older and do want kids. Is that true? My boyfriend wants me to go on it because we are having sex but I don’t want to have trouble later on in life with getting pregnant. I mean we always use a condom but he wants me on the pill too. Help!

Answer #1

You will still be able to get pregnant later in life. That won’t be an issue if it is not already. Go on birth control. Condoms are not 100% effective.

Answer #2

It will not be harder to get pregnant. The only thing is that there is a period of time (usually a month or two) where your body is readjusting to the hormone levels, and pregnancy may be precluded, but after that you will be fine. To get more info on birth control, call Planned Parenthood. They will give you unbiased info on all things having to do with reproduction - plus most Planned Parenthood’s can issue prescriptions for BC pills and even supply them… often at a discount. Congratulations on taking control of your reproductive health. Take care, and Good Luck!!

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