Am I pregnant if I missed my period once?

I’’m on birthcontrol pills. Last month I had sex before my period came and the condom broke. I took two pregnancy tests and they came out negative. I later that week got my period, but now this month I missed my period. Am I pregnant?

Answer #1

It could be just because you stressed or because you pregnant go to the store and get another pregnancy test and see what happens

Answer #2

If you have only been on birth control for a short time, or have switched the type or brand you are using you may just be experiencing a normal, irregular cycle. It takes up to, and sometimes more, than 6 months for your cycle to become relativley regular after beginning or switching birth control. Because you said that you had your period after having intercourse, it is just likely that your period is off schedule and that you will have it this month. However having a light period is not uncommon after becoming pregnant the first month. With two negative pregnancy tests though, I wouldn’t be too concerned. If by the end of this month you still haven’t started, I would advise another test. Good luck!

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