What dose it mean when clear stuff comes out when you wipe?

But dosent smell,burn or itch

Answer #1

wow. really sorry, wrong info. here’s what’s happening;

Glands inside your vagina and cervix make small amounts of fluid. This fluid flows out of the vagina each day, carrying out old cells that have lined the vagina. This is your body’s way of keeping your vagina healthy and clean. The discharge is usually clear or milky and doesn’t smell bad.

The color and thickness of the discharge change with your monthly cycle. The discharge is thicker when you ovulate (when one of your ovaries releases an egg), when a woman is breastfeeding or when a woman is sexually excited.

Changes that may signal a problem include an increase in the amount of discharge, a change in the color or smell of the discharge, and irritation, itchiness or burning in or around your vagina. This is called vaginitis. A discharge that’s stained with blood when you’re not having your period could also be a sign of a problem. Some other types of infections such as yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis can also cause discharge that is usually accompanied by odor such as beer/yeast/fish.

I would recommend that if you have any of these signs or any concerns regarding this you consult with your doctor for a proper diagnosis and for proper treatment should you have anything other than just a normal vaginal discharge.

Good luck :)

Answer #2

umm… if you’re a girl, that’s what happens when you are/ or were horny. white stuff comes out. just like guys when they masturbate, white stuff comes out.

Answer #3

It’s normal, doesn’t mean anything. Your body is cleansing itself.

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