What does Memorial Day mean to you ?

What does Memorial Day mean to you ?

Answer #1

Family. My uncle won’t talk about Vietnam…I don’t want to imagine what he went through. And my dad got drafted, too - however he got luck & as he was in the reserves, he didn’t have to go anywhere.

It’s a reminder that if people could get along, there would be less violence, bloodshed, and peace on Earth. A reminder that instigation of violence is never right.

A reminder that invading another country, and speding trillions of dollars for a misguided personal vendetta, is wrong.

A reminder that the president of my country has broken more laws than people I’ve read about in the news, that actually went to jail.

A reminder that freedom is precious, and without defending it against those who wish to do what they will, irregardless of law, without defense, freedom is meaningless.

A reminder that our president should be in jail, he didn’t win the election, and in many ways, he has stolen the future of many people in our country, whose lives have now been lost.

Answer #2

I totally agree with you amblessed- very good statement. to me it is a day to remember our forefathers who gave their lives for us to have the freedoms we now enjoy, and many take for granted. and to remember my relatives that are no longer with us, and reflect on their lives- mainly the happy memories that I have of them. freedom is never free.

Answer #3

not to be rude but memorial day means watch out for drunk drivers

Answer #4

To remember people I’ve lost and the effect they had on me. I miss them all <3 Rest in peace.

Answer #5

A remembrance day of passed loved ones.

Answer #6

to me it’s just another holiday, where everyone parades around saying they “remember”

but I don’t do it on those holidays, I do it anyday I feel like it. I’m just so proud of where im living, and how I got here, so im thankful enough to not be thankful on one particular day.

Answer #7

To me it’s a day set aside to Honor all those wearing the Uniform past and present - all the time remembering: it’s no holiday for America’s best - Memorial Day will find our troops fighting terrorists and other enemies of freedom around the globe - We should honor these patriots and thank them for their service. Because of our brave troops, the United States faces a bright future of freedom and prosperity.

Answer #8


Answer #9

It’s a day to remember all of the soldiers who have lost their life fighting for their country.

Answer #10

While we are not all called to serve our country through serving in the armed forces or in the political arena, we all can better our country through the way we live our lives. With freedom comes responsibility, responsibility to ensure that our freedom is maintained. Freedom is never free, but comes at a cost of lives, of time, of effort and of responsibility. We can never truly repay those who protected our county and our freedom through their ultimate sacrifice, we can honor them not only by thanking them and remembering them, but by ensuring that we are worthy of their sacrifice.

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