What can you tell me about uppwellings, El Nino, and La nina?

I need some help with a prodject I’m doing at school. can someone tell me some info on El Nino, La Nina and Upwelling. thanks a million!

Answer #1

El Nino is a climate pattern that occurs across the tropical pacific ocean on average every five years.It also affects cyclone patterns. When the subtropical ridge position shifts due to El Nino, so will the preferred tropical cyclone tracks.

La Nina is the opposite of El Nino. During a La Nina, the sea surface temperature will be lower than normal by .05 degrees.

All of this causes fish to migrate in different areas because of the cold/warm currents. Fisherman don’t catch enough fish to feed their family, or to sell and make money. It often affects 3rd world countries, where their main income and food source is fishing.

Upwelling is when the wind drives cool, nutrient-rich water into the places that used to have warm, nutrient poor water. This is good, as it causes more fish to swim around. Upwellings that are driven by coastal currents have the greatest impact on nutrient enriched waters and fisherman.

Answer #2

These are storms/hurricanes

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