What are the ramifications ?

Reference the ‘pregnant’ father story in the news - What psychological ramifications would a child who was born from a pregnant “father” have ?

Answer #1

gasman…simply using the word “tranny” shows how uneducated you really are.

That is a very, VERY offensive word to most transsexuals.

And secondly I did not name call you. I said you SOUND ignorant. Which you do.

Answer #2

He is not a he, he is a she who chose to take male hormones and decided to keep her female parts so she could have kids. What a mixed up mess this person is. Contrary to what most of you liberals out there believe a child girl or boy needs a male and female figure in the home to raise them so they will be well rounded and not confused.

Answer #3

LOL quotations around something usually connote that it’s not the real thing.

Copy/paste, please give credit to the author!

Answer #4

gasmanobt, I couldn’t agree more. God made male and female for each other, not man for man or woman for woman. According to the Lord’s word, that type of lifestyle is a sinful abomination, so that being said, I cannot help but think this child will grow up confused with how to relate to others.

It is not a “miracle child” as some claim, but sadly a child that a homosexual is carrying that will live in a home with two mommies. In my opinion this is not a good thing.

Answer #5

Dear amblessed, Our Editor is correct…this child will be born into a loving family, a tolerant and understanding family. This child will more then likely grow up with a kind and loving attitude toward life and people. What ramifications will there be…perhaps it will make those who are closed minded about such things take note of their own intolerance. Sue…good luck

Answer #6

Hmmm none, probably.

Did you watch the Oprah show? The couple who is having the child is probably one of the most loving, wonderful couples I’ve ever seen. That child will be their miracle baby, and will have all the love in the world–something that many, many children born to “women” do not have.

I think it’s wonderful that he was able to carry the child for his wife, who was ill and could not conceive. Something for the movies, in my opinion!

Answer #7

I’m also wondering why the word pregnant was in quotes?

he was pregnant. Not kind of pregnant, sort of pregnant, etc. Pregnant.

Answer #8

I dont think 7 year olds care about stuff like that - simple answer, you dont. When they get older and learn about the facts of life, including sex, and pregnancy, then you explain it…

Answer #9

When is society ever going to stop messing around with nature? “ Gee today I don’t want to be a man, I want to be a woman, but I’ll keep my privates the same just in case things don’t work out and vice versa. Whether there is love in the home or not people have to remember you’re born a certain sex, male or female, for a reason, not to change it because you don’t feel like a male or female. There are those as well who have no sexual oragans at all, the term escapes me right now, and there are hermaphrodites too, what about them? Our given sexuality should be embraced and cherished, not disregarded as being a hinderance to my/your personal sexual preference. Plain and simple the “man” on Oprah is no man at all. She still has her monthly cycle right? Otherwise, no pregnancy. This person is a woman still. Only claiming to be a man under the guise of appearing the societal accepted norm. I’m sure they are “nice, loving people”, etc but the fact is that this person is a woman..

Answer #10

None at all. As the editor said this child will be very much loved. I don’t usually watch Oprah but did catch it yesterday for some reason. This couple was a most loving couple, and everyone in the audience thought that she/he was a very special person. And yes this is a Miracle Child and will get all the love they can get.

Answer #11

Sure - the author of the referred to article is Scott Whitlock.

Answer #12

No, sorry, I don’t watch Oprah - ‘pregnant’ was pasted from the article so you’d have to take it up with the author - I don’t see anywhere where the question states >> kind of pregnant or sort of pregnant <<, sorry - go to know there will be probably no ramifications, Thanks !

Answer #13


“Whether there is love in the home or not people have to remember you’re born a certain sex, male or female, for a reason, not to change it because you don’t feel like a male or female.”

Are you male? How would you feel if you were just as you are today in your brain, but you had breasts and a vagina? Pretty confused and depressed. If you do your research, you’d find out that over 50% of Transsexuals will have had at least one suicide attempt by their 20th birthday. Because they cannot live being one gender in their head and another in their body.

Also, the “man” on Oprah is a man. Firstly, because he is male in his head. Second, because he has no breasts. Third, because he takes testosterone injections (well, he stopped them to become pregnant but will be on them again after) which give him the hormone levels of a biological man.

Finally, please do not confuse sexual orientation with gender identity. Transgender/transsexuals will change their gender NOT for their sexual orientation (ie being gay or not-in fact, most FtMs are straight, dating women as they present as men). They change sex for their gender identity, which means the gender in their head does not match their body. So making the assumption that it has anything to do with sexual identity is a huge mistake.

Please educate yourself before sounding so ignorant!

Answer #14

Background: Thomas Beatie, a 34-year-old transsexual, was born Tracy LaGondino in Hawaii. Beatie legally became a man after undergoing a sex change operation - but kept her female reproductive organs.

Answer #15

When is society going to stop with the labels? Why can’t we rejoice for this wonderful couple. I know we as a society need labels to a degree but at the same time we should be aware that these are only labels and the human being has the ability to be aware that we are not only the roles we are taught to live by, we are so much more. This couple are devoted to parenthood and seem very conscious and aware of the roles they have to fulfill. During the show, the husband said he will be this childs father and his wife will be the mother. How will that effect the child? I don’t think it will. there are many ingredients that make up a family and many definitions of “family”. LOVE is the major factor in defining family. I saw a lot of that on Oprah show concerning this specific topic.

Answer #16

Wonder how you explain to a 7 yr old, legally a man, but she has a uterus.

Answer #17

hmm, thats not normal. he’s probably going to be the anti-christ

Answer #18

Really? The fact remains that he, was BORN a she. regardless of the choice to have an operation to reassign gender. If you knew me, and you don’t, you would understand where I’m coming from. Issues in my own life have brought me to a place where I needed to make drastic choices and painful ones at that. So, who’s judging whom then?? Yes, I am male and very satisfied with my given gender. Also, I know a great deal about transgender people. I wouldn’t have made the comments I did just off the top of my head. Yes, I understand that many tranny’s have at some point tried to end their lives, which is a shame. But the point I was making was that this man was born a woman, and is still a woman, in her mind or not. By the way, taking drugs like estrogen won’t make me anymore a woman than testosterone does her a man. And it’s not about what the person thinks they are either. Sexual orientation is about choice. It has not been completely proven that there is genetic evidence to support those claims. Please, don’t insult me, calling me ignorant. Name calling is not part of the question here. It’s neither necessary nor productive or condusive to the issues being discussed.

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